Winter Migration 2001

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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s/v lefty

Winter Migration 2001

Post by s/v lefty »

S/V Lefty, CD25 hull#4, has begun her winter migration in good style, taking only three weeks to get halfway down Long Island Sound from Vineyard Haven MA. Who says these boats aren't fast? Hope to make the Chesapeake before Thanksgiving this year. The season begins!
s/v Sovereign

Re: Winter Migration 2001

Post by s/v Sovereign »

s/v lefty wrote: S/V Lefty, CD25 hull#4, has begun her winter migration in good style, taking only three weeks to get halfway down Long Island Sound from Vineyard Haven MA. Who says these boats aren't fast? Hope to make the Chesapeake before Thanksgiving this year. The season begins!

I like your approach to extending the season! Are you heading for Beaufort again?

Sovereign is on the hard and I'll be cleaning her out today - still got some of that beautiful Vineyard Haven sand hiding out down below. Knowing that Lefty is in capable hands and heading for the sun will make the chores much easier!

Keep your toes warm!!
CD25 Sovereign
P.S. Best of luck with all!
Chris Mullins

Re: Winter Migration 2001

Post by Chris Mullins »

Yeah, frostbite makes sunburn seem like a fun thing. I am hoping to get at least as far as last year and maybe Savannah or Charleston if I can. One of these days I'll haul the boat, but it will have to be south where yards are cheap and they let you live on jackstands. See you in the spring!

s/v Sovereign wrote:
s/v lefty wrote: S/V Lefty, CD25 hull#4, has begun her winter migration in good style, taking only three weeks to get halfway down Long Island Sound from Vineyard Haven MA. Who says these boats aren't fast? Hope to make the Chesapeake before Thanksgiving this year. The season begins!

I like your approach to extending the season! Are you heading for Beaufort again?

Sovereign is on the hard and I'll be cleaning her out today - still got some of that beautiful Vineyard Haven sand hiding out down below. Knowing that Lefty is in capable hands and heading for the sun will make the chores much easier!

Keep your toes warm!!
CD25 Sovereign
P.S. Best of luck with all!
Chris Schnell

Re: Winter Migration 2001- Good Anchorage in Southport on th

Post by Chris Schnell »

For any of you "Snowbirds", Southport offers a good anchorage in the Old Yacht Basin as well as a city dock bulkhead, as well as several marina's. We're right at the mouth of the Cape Fear River which is a great jump off point outside to Charleston. With 3 CD25's and my CD30 in town, you just may find a Captain Morgan and some excellent seafood awaiting your stopover. Did our yacht club race this weekend in the river in shorts and t-shirt w/sweat and cold beer. Have a safe journey south and let me know if you're coming this way.

Full Sails & Calm Seas,

Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III, CD30 #235
Southport, NC
Will W.

Re: Winter Migration 2001

Post by Will W. »

I will have my CD25 out of the water in a week or so. If you need a slip to put into for a few nights in the Mid-Chesapeake bay area. I am on the western shore at Breezy Point Marina, Plum Point MD, just south of Chesapeake Beach MD. directly west of Sharps Point Light, off of Tilghman Island. My fee would be a tour of your Vessel and perhaps a sail. Only two drawbacks to offer. One is my slip does not have "juice", the other is that if I were sailing the Bay from north to south I would definately stay on the Eastern Shore. The Western Shore south of Annapolis is kind of boring until Solomons Island. The Eastern Shore on the other hand offers St. Michaels, Knapps Narrows, Oxford( a must visit for any sailor, Oxford is a small town that still makes it's living on the waters of the Chesapeake, fishing, boat building, lots of sailing, etc.) Anyway e-mail me if you want to talk more. Fair Winds and Blue Skies for you.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

s/v lefty wrote: S/V Lefty, CD25 hull#4, has begun her winter migration in good style, taking only three weeks to get halfway down Long Island Sound from Vineyard Haven MA. Who says these boats aren't fast? Hope to make the Chesapeake before Thanksgiving this year. The season begins!
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