search for md7a exhaust manifold

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Mike Alford

search for md7a exhaust manifold

Post by Mike Alford »

I have a good friend looking for an exhaust manifold on a 1978 volvo penta md7a (sound familiar?). They want to charge him $1400 for a new one.

Any help, advice or suppliers would greatly be appreciated.


Mike Alford
s/v cd 28 "lyric"
Ken Cave

Re: search for md7a exhaust manifold

Post by Ken Cave »

Have him contact D.B. Marine in the UK. These folks deliver around the world and usually about 30-60 percent off the prices in the US.

Address is D.B. Marine, Cookham Bridge, Cookham-On-Thames. Berkshire.SL69SN

Phone number is 01628 526032 (be sure to add the additional numbers for Great Britian.

Their web address is

email address is

I met these folks at the London Boat Show last year, and they had my order shipped to me within a week of returning home.

By the way, this year's London Boat Show starts January 6th-and is the largest indoor boat show in Europe, complete with a lake inside of building one at Earls Court!!

Hope this helps

Ken Cave CD 28 #227
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