CD 25 New England Rendezvous 2002

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Jim Myers

CD 25 New England Rendezvous 2002

Post by Jim Myers »

How many CD 25 owners in the New England area would be interested in a rendezvous summer 2002? Please let me know on this board. A location can be selected based on where most people are. Something to look forward to while freezing on the ski slopes!

1981 CD 25
Fair Wind
Hull 824
Don Carr

Re: CD 25 New England Rendezvous 2002

Post by Don Carr »

I for one, would.

fair winds
s/v Lolita
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: How was Newport?

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Carr,

How was the voyage to Newport this weekend last? Did ya make it, and how about the charity voyage? A story please, Sir........

Dave Stump
Captain commanding
s/v Hanalei
Don Carr

Sail for Pride was great

Post by Don Carr »

Esteemed Captain Stump;
Left at 1:00PM as you know. Got to Newport at 9PM about 8 hours and 34 nm later. Actually ended up doing a bit of motorsailing as the wind was 10knots or less, nice singlehanded trip. Stayed at the
Newport Yachting center.
On Saturday morning I awoke a 0500 to a fog with less than 500 ft visabilaty, got some breakfast and took a cab over to the sail Newport Clubhouse, met some wonderful people, one gentleman in particular had been up to Robinhood and was quite taken with the RH40.
Some really great boats- drooling over the Farr 40's.
One of my crew met me at the club house after the skippers meeting and was amazed that 162 boats were in the race. My other crew, who shall remain nameless didn't show up in time so we had to race short handed which limited my spinnaker use.
The highlight of the race was the start actually. A prayer was read over the VHF for the victims of the 9/11 tragedy. Then as 162 sailboats (no collisions actually) were mulling ... the Courageous with a crew of about twenty in matching shorts and shirts started in her own class , what a beautiful sight and it was thrilling to have sailed within 15 feet of her and trading jokes with a truely world class crew and boat.
We were in Class 1 phrf (slowest boats) and got off at 11:10 AM. Downwind, although I didn't fly the spinnaker I poled out the 150 and
actually skunked a Ensign with spinnaker and almost caught a CD36 to the first mark. By the way the course was a circumnavigation of Connanicut Island clockwise.
At the first mark my crew who is in his first season of sailing had some problems getting the boat trimmed up to point higher and we lost about 3 minutes until we got settled in . The wind was almost due North and nothing to do but tack all the way up West passage nice sailing we had her up to 5.2 knots upwind in about 15 knots of wind. But our lost time and lack of rail meat never allowed us to catch up
so I came in 20th out of 27 boats, actually beat a J24. So CD's aren't really slow just sailing capabilities. I got screwed in the handicap though they had me rated at 264 (about 6 seconds per mile
Any way the party after was great all you could eat mussels,clams, chowder and other assorted goodies. Met a lot of world class sailors among whom, the older ones really do respect Cape Dories (even a gentleman with a $350K Farr 40).
Did my laundry after and hit the bunk. Did some shopping in Newport
on Sunday AM and left at noon..single handing back. Was a nice sail back with 6 foot Southeast swells..makes the sail more interesting. Just West of Pt Judith the fog settled in and reduced visibilty to about 1/4 mile. Cranked up the GPS and set the course for Watch Hill passage. Went through the passage at dark in fog and rain (damn I'm a good navigator). Got back to Noank at 8:22PM.
All in all it was great weather and a very pleasant sail...the race was one of those events that brought sailors of all abilities and boats together. After all is said and done..we sailors are all connected by some fundamental spirituality..brand of boat or type of sailing not withstanding.

Fair Winds
Don Carr
s/v Lolita
were cruising around the starting area
Leo MacDonald

Re: Sail for Pride was great

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Captain Don,

Your to be commended on your effort and showing of the flag (and burgee?) Looks like you did a brilliant job with a shorthanded crew!!

Speaking of which, what kind of low life crew would you have that would leave you in the position of being undermanned in your time of need? While you’re out showing what a Cape Dory can do someone is sitting at home drinking a beer or something.

What would you suggest this low-life could do to make amends???

Again, congratulations on a race well sailed :-)

Fair Winds,

Re: CD 25 New England Rendezvous 2002

Post by Dave »

Sounds good. Gloucester Ma

25'CD R&R
Jim Myers wrote: How many CD 25 owners in the New England area would be interested in a rendezvous summer 2002? Please let me know on this board. A location can be selected based on where most people are. Something to look forward to while freezing on the ski slopes!

1981 CD 25
Fair Wind
Hull 824
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Excellent saga Sir, a glass...

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Honorable Captain Carr,

Ti's a wonderful saga you weave Sir, almost felt that I was crew with you. A class of wine with you Sir, for upholding the Cape Dory Tradition. 1st. Mate and I were discussing your voyage over dinner that night, and quite honestly, we thought you wouldn't make it! Leaving at 1300 hrs for Newport? I would have thought you wouldn't get there until 2400 hrs. or later. Nice job!

Hanalei is off to Montauk Friday morning next, and then on to Greenport. Will weave you a tail or two when we return....I remain....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C

Re: CD 25 New England Rendezvous 2002

Post by Red »

Sounds great,Cape Cod.
John M

Re: CD 25 New England Rendezvous 2002

Post by John M »

How about Gloucester, North Shore, Isles of Shoals or Portsmouth, NH?
John M
Resonance, CD25 #278
Carl Jones

Re: Sail for Pride was great

Post by Carl Jones »

Don Carr wrote: Esteemed Captain Stump;
Left at 1:00PM as you know. Got to Newport at 9PM about 8 hours and 34 nm later. Actually ended up doing a bit of motorsailing as the wind was 10knots or less, nice singlehanded trip. Stayed at the
Newport Yachting center.
On Saturday morning I awoke a 0500 to a fog with less than 500 ft visabilaty, got some breakfast and took a cab over to the sail Newport Clubhouse, met some wonderful people, one gentleman in particular had been up to Robinhood and was quite taken with the RH40.
Some really great boats- drooling over the Farr 40's.
One of my crew met me at the club house after the skippers meeting and was amazed that 162 boats were in the race. My other crew, who shall remain nameless didn't show up in time so we had to race short handed which limited my spinnaker use.
The highlight of the race was the start actually. A prayer was read over the VHF for the victims of the 9/11 tragedy. Then as 162 sailboats (no collisions actually) were mulling ... the Courageous with a crew of about twenty in matching shorts and shirts started in her own class , what a beautiful sight and it was thrilling to have sailed within 15 feet of her and trading jokes with a truely world class crew and boat.
We were in Class 1 phrf (slowest boats) and got off at 11:10 AM. Downwind, although I didn't fly the spinnaker I poled out the 150 and
actually skunked a Ensign with spinnaker and almost caught a CD36 to the first mark. By the way the course was a circumnavigation of Connanicut Island clockwise.
At the first mark my crew who is in his first season of sailing had some problems getting the boat trimmed up to point higher and we lost about 3 minutes until we got settled in . The wind was almost due North and nothing to do but tack all the way up West passage nice sailing we had her up to 5.2 knots upwind in about 15 knots of wind. But our lost time and lack of rail meat never allowed us to catch up
so I came in 20th out of 27 boats, actually beat a J24. So CD's aren't really slow just sailing capabilities. I got screwed in the handicap though they had me rated at 264 (about 6 seconds per mile
Any way the party after was great all you could eat mussels,clams, chowder and other assorted goodies. Met a lot of world class sailors among whom, the older ones really do respect Cape Dories (even a gentleman with a $350K Farr 40).
Did my laundry after and hit the bunk. Did some shopping in Newport
on Sunday AM and left at noon..single handing back. Was a nice sail back with 6 foot Southeast swells..makes the sail more interesting. Just West of Pt Judith the fog settled in and reduced visibilty to about 1/4 mile. Cranked up the GPS and set the course for Watch Hill passage. Went through the passage at dark in fog and rain (damn I'm a good navigator). Got back to Noank at 8:22PM.
All in all it was great weather and a very pleasant sail...the race was one of those events that brought sailors of all abilities and boats together. After all is said and done..we sailors are all connected by some fundamental spirituality..brand of boat or type of sailing not withstanding.

Fair Winds
Don Carr
s/v Lolita
were cruising around the starting area
Captain Carr:

My hat is off to you. I think we have competitive boats and it does my heart good to see us race them. Congratulations.

Carl Jones
Spanish Eyes, CD30
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