Hello to all
Well I am in the final stages of mounting a new tiller pilot. All I lack is drill & epoxing the tiller pin and the socket for the TP pin. I know how to do the tiller, but have a question about the starb'd seat process.
I know about placing a backing block under the locker lid and drilling the locker lid and block to accept the socket. But someone sent me a pic (at least I think someone did) about mounting a block behind the locker lid and drill just outboard of the gap between the seat and the the locker lid.
Please if you sent me a pic of your boat with this type of setup, send it again. Or comments about how best to accompolish this task.
and Thanks in advance.
25D AP mounting ??'s
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: 25D AP mounting ??'s
Instead of mounting the outboard end through the seat locker lid, or even behind it for that matter, I mounted my Navico TP100 into the teak coaming with through bolts and a back-up plate made by Navico. I was advised that this would be a better installation in that the strain would not be transferred to the locker lid hinges. That made sense to me and I took that guy's advise. I never had a problem with the coaming installation. Let us know how you make out with your installation.
Bob Ohler
Instead of mounting the outboard end through the seat locker lid, or even behind it for that matter, I mounted my Navico TP100 into the teak coaming with through bolts and a back-up plate made by Navico. I was advised that this would be a better installation in that the strain would not be transferred to the locker lid hinges. That made sense to me and I took that guy's advise. I never had a problem with the coaming installation. Let us know how you make out with your installation.
Bob Ohler
Bill wrote: Hello to all
Well I am in the final stages of mounting a new tiller pilot. All I lack is drill & epoxing the tiller pin and the socket for the TP pin. I know how to do the tiller, but have a question about the starb'd seat process.
I know about placing a backing block under the locker lid and drilling the locker lid and block to accept the socket. But someone sent me a pic (at least I think someone did) about mounting a block behind the locker lid and drill just outboard of the gap between the seat and the the locker lid.
Please if you sent me a pic of your boat with this type of setup, send it again. Or comments about how best to accompolish this task.
and Thanks in advance.
Mounting a SIMRAD TP-30 on a CD25D
We were not the ones who sent you a photo earlier, but we did install a SIMRAD TP30 Tillerpilot in our CD25D "Wielewaal" (1982-Hull #45) this summer.
Following the SIMRAD instructions as closely as possible, we ended up with the pin-cup mounted (with 3/4" hardwood backing) in a hole drilled through the starboard locker lid, perhaps 1 1/2" or so forward of the aftmost (I think, I don't have a photo) hinge, and about 1 1/2" or so in from the outside lip of the lid. This places the pin-cup above the right rear corner of the shallow locker tray area. The only slight problem is that this is a little close to the outer moulding around the tray, so we ended up with drilling a slight indentation in the tray moulding to make a little room for the pin-cup on the underside of the lid. The pin-cup is fully expoxied in place where it passes through the locker lid and partially epoxied (say 75% of its circumference) where it passes through the hardwood backing.
We also epoxied a shallow, wedge-shaped hardwood collar around the pin in the tiller, since, with the pin inserted and epoxied in a vertical hole drilled at the correct point on the tiller, a fairly large portion of the pin was out of the hole.
The good news is that it all works fine as installed.
We were not the ones who sent you a photo earlier, but we did install a SIMRAD TP30 Tillerpilot in our CD25D "Wielewaal" (1982-Hull #45) this summer.
Following the SIMRAD instructions as closely as possible, we ended up with the pin-cup mounted (with 3/4" hardwood backing) in a hole drilled through the starboard locker lid, perhaps 1 1/2" or so forward of the aftmost (I think, I don't have a photo) hinge, and about 1 1/2" or so in from the outside lip of the lid. This places the pin-cup above the right rear corner of the shallow locker tray area. The only slight problem is that this is a little close to the outer moulding around the tray, so we ended up with drilling a slight indentation in the tray moulding to make a little room for the pin-cup on the underside of the lid. The pin-cup is fully expoxied in place where it passes through the locker lid and partially epoxied (say 75% of its circumference) where it passes through the hardwood backing.
We also epoxied a shallow, wedge-shaped hardwood collar around the pin in the tiller, since, with the pin inserted and epoxied in a vertical hole drilled at the correct point on the tiller, a fairly large portion of the pin was out of the hole.
The good news is that it all works fine as installed.