Front window tape - CD 28 power

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Bill Stebbins

Front window tape - CD 28 power

Post by Bill Stebbins »

The front windows on my trawler are bordered by a tan tape (about 1" wide) that fits securely into the window frame channels. I suspect it is a waterproofing mechanism. Mine has shrunk and is coming apart in bits and pieces. Anyone know of a replacement?
Walt Bilofsky

Re: Front window tape - CD 28 power

Post by Walt Bilofsky »

Bill -

I guess you're talking about the gasket that holds the glass into the frame.

Check <a href=" ... 1046">this post</a> and the reply. Maybe the window manufacturers can point you toward a source for the window gasket. I'm not sure whether you can replace it short of removing the entire window.

The caulking around the frame is another source of leaks.

- Walt
Bill Stebbins wrote: The front windows on my trawler are bordered by a tan tape (about 1" wide) that fits securely into the window frame channels. I suspect it is a waterproofing mechanism. Mine has shrunk and is coming apart in bits and pieces. Anyone know of a replacement?
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