Question: I have a typhoon senior with an inboard motor well for the outboard. I have an 8 hp Mariner outboard with through the prop exhaust. The problem is that sometimes I get a blast of exhaust fumes coming out of the well and into the cockpit. The motor runs great otherwise. Any suggestions?
Outboard motor exhaust
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Outboard motor exhaust
The primary exhaust is through the prop. More than likely there is a secondary exhaust high on the back side of the motor. This exhaust port is to minimize backpressure and facilitate starting. I suspect this is the source of your unwanted exhaust in the well.
CD25 Sovereign
CD25 Sovereign
Re: Outboard motor exhaust
See Jon's answer and add my 2 cents. I have a CD25 with a Yamaha 9.9 Hi-Torque engine that had the same problem plus it stalled when I closed the lazarette. I solved it by buying 1 ft of aluminun tubing , from an appliance supply store, that fit the exhaust exit Jon refers to. I then molded 3" of it into the hole and secured it with Loctite alum. epoxy.It lasted for years. I then drilled a hole in the transom and installed a 1/2" through hull fitting and attached the exhaust to this fitting with a hose. All problems solved and boat cruises almost silently with lid down.Kenneth Hann wrote: Question: I have a typhoon senior with an inboard motor well for the outboard. I have an 8 hp Mariner outboard with through the prop exhaust. The problem is that sometimes I get a blast of exhaust fumes coming out of the well and into the cockpit. The motor runs great otherwise. Any suggestions?