I just purchased a 2002 9.9 High Thrust 4 cycle for my CD 26. I have about 2.5 hrs. of break in time clocked. I notice that my cockpit floor, lazarettes , and tiller handle vibrate at low throttle speeds. I have tightened the motor on the transom well. Has anyone else experienced this or any other break in problems? Any creative solutions out there?
All thoughts welcome.
Owners of Yamaha Outboard Motor s
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Owners of Yamaha Outboard Motor s
At one time there was a rubber mount sold in marine stores designed to reduce outboard motor vibration. It was an inverted U shaped piece of material that fit over the transom (or motor mount) and then the outboard was clamped on top of it...can you picture it? I own a 9.9 Honda with the rotating balancer weights...they do work!