I'm planning ahead for when I pull "Suzi Q" CD25#249 in a couple of weeks. I want to rewire the mast when I step it and will be adding an anchor light which I don't have now and I will replace the Masthead/deck light. I also figure that now would be a good time to update the fuse panel. The one I have now is the original and Cape Dory Bridgewater Mass. is engraved/printed at the top. My question is can I rebuild this panel with new switches etc. in order to update the system and preserve the original look? Has anyone else done this or are there some other suggestions? Has anyone just bought a new one and if so do they make one that fits the existing panel size? I am grateful for any ideas.
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Electrical Switch Panel
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Electrical Switch Panel
Hi WillWill W. wrote: I'm planning ahead for when I pull "Suzi Q" CD25#249 in a couple of weeks. I want to rewire the mast when I step it and will be adding an anchor light which I don't have now and I will replace the Masthead/deck light. I also figure that now would be a good time to update the fuse panel. The one I have now is the original and Cape Dory Bridgewater Mass. is engraved/printed at the top. My question is can I rebuild this panel with new switches etc. in order to update the system and preserve the original look? Has anyone else done this or are there some other suggestions? Has anyone just bought a new one and if so do they make one that fits the existing panel size? I am grateful for any ideas.
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
We reconditioned the electrical panel on our CD25 we rebuilt a few years ago. All the electrical components were available from West Marine, fuse holders and switches. I believe they still are as they were standard "off the shelf"components.
The finish on my panel was very poor. I sanded it down and planed to repaint and then refill the "engraved" areas with white paint to reconstitute the origional lettering. Supprise! The "engraving" was only as deep as the paint. I ended up having "Office Depot" make up labels for all the origional "notation". Black labels with engraved white letters and the origional panel sprayed semi-gloss black...looks quite nice.
We also ended up adding an additional smaller DC panel as well as a small AC panel.
Re: Electrical Switch Panel
Thanks Jim
For warning me about the lettering on the panel. I was going to restore it in exactly the way you describe. Thanks to you I will be very careful while sanding.
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
For warning me about the lettering on the panel. I was going to restore it in exactly the way you describe. Thanks to you I will be very careful while sanding.
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q