Planning a two month cruise leaving from San Carlos this winter, would like to know the best and most current cruising guides and info sources.
sea of cortez info
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: sea of cortez info
Jerry Cunningham has a series of cruising guides that cover most of the Sea, and Jack Williams has a very good guide. I will try to dig up addresses for you. If you have any specific questions, I might be able to answer them offlist, as I have cruised out of there for almost 20 years. What is your proposed destination, when will you be in S.C., and what is your boat? We will be cruising out of there for 6-8 wks also at some point this winter.Bruce Janssen wrote: Planning a two month cruise leaving from San Carlos this winter, would like to know the best and most current cruising guides and info sources.
Re: sea of cortez info
Jerry Cunningham's guides to the Sea of Cortez are arranged by area, and are available at Marina San Carlos, or directly from Jerry (Cruising Charts, Box 976, Patagonia AZ 85624, call for directory assistance -- he is quite accessible). I'm pretty sure Latitude 38 ( has a link to his books, too, or try the Mother of all Maritime Links, or just a Google search. The other one you might want is Jack Williams Baja Boaters Guide Vol 2, available in West Marine item # 2047793. The large Charlie's Charts Mexico is valuable if your are going to make any passages (West Marine item #194287). Let us know what your plans are -- we'd love to see another Cape Dory this winter.Bruce Janssen wrote: Planning a two month cruise leaving from San Carlos this winter, would like to know the best and most current cruising guides and info sources.
Re: sea of cortez info
Soundings, this month, has an article abour a piracy incident (one that didn't involve Dave Stump) in the Sea of Cortez. May be worthwhile to read.
Don Sargeant
Don Sargeant
Bruce Janssen wrote: Planning a two month cruise leaving from San Carlos this winter, would like to know the best and most current cruising guides and info sources.