I have become interested in moving down from a 24' S2 to a Typhoon daysailor. I sailed on a ty weekender many years back and really enjoyed it. I am interested in the daysailer (with the cubby cabin) because of the roomer cockpit. There is one available out of state, however, due to family and work obligations, I cannot travel to see it. I was wondering if there was anyone in the NJ area that has a daysailor that I could see (and sit in) to insure that this is the right boat for me.
Need a favor from a Typhoon daysailer owner...
Moderator: Jim Walsh
More Pictures
I found some more (3) pictures of a TY Daysailer with cubby. This is a rental boat in Hilton Head SC. Much of the teak has been painted white (or replaced with starboard). Maybe give you a little better idea.
Added them to the my Web site.
http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/vie ... uid=165901
I found some more (3) pictures of a TY Daysailer with cubby. This is a rental boat in Hilton Head SC. Much of the teak has been painted white (or replaced with starboard). Maybe give you a little better idea.
Added them to the my Web site.
http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/vie ... uid=165901
Re: Need a favor from a Typhoon daysailer owner...
Tony: I have a Typhoon daysailer on the Hudson just north of Croton point if that's not too far to go. However, my daysailer is completely open (identical to the one pictured in Matt's follow-up to your post). Of eighty-some daysailers, about thirty-some were completely open as pictured. Another fifty-some had a small cuddy cabin forward for gear storage (as pictured in the Cape Dory specifications portion of this board). Also, as of last fall, there was a daysailer (with the small cuddy cabin) for sale at a marina just north of me. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still there. E-mail me at mbarth@cm-p.com of you want to discuss seeing my boat.