Any Typhoon sailors in San Francisco Bay?

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Any Typhoon sailors in San Francisco Bay?

Post by peter »

When I was out in the Bay area this summer I was impressed by how different it was from the Chesapeake--significant tides, currents, winds, etc. I'm thinking of relocating to the Bay area and am trying to decide whether to bring my boat across country. Are there any Typhoon sailors in the Bay area and, specifically, what parts of the Bay?
Walt Bilofsky

Re: Any Typhoon sailors in San Francisco Bay?

Post by Walt Bilofsky »

peter wrote: Are there any Typhoon sailors in the Bay area and, specifically, what parts of the Bay?
Noel Peattie, the editor of The Typhooner newsletter, keeps his Typhoon in Berkeley. One of the staff at West Marine in Sausalito used to have his Typhoon over here in Paradise Cay, Tiburon, but he sold it a few years back.

- Walt
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