I'm checking out depthsounders and was wondering if anyone could provide advice. I just want a simple, bulkhead mounted digital display. Also, I'd like to use one of those in-hull transducers that pings through the bottom, with no through-hull. I've looked at the various websites with Hummingbird, Raytheon, etc, in the $110-$150 range and they seem very similar. Can someone recommend for or against any particular brand and model? Also, does anyone have their transducer mounted as I described? If so, is it difficult to do? I've read various things about how simple it is to set up, but nothing is ever as easy as it seems....
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Depthsounder
I installed a cheap horizon depth sounder on my 28. I used the regular transducer, but inside the hull. I cut a short piece of pvc of adequate diameter (1.5 or 2 in.) to fit flush against the inside of the hull under the step in the forward cabin. I used 5200 to make a watertight seal with the hull. Dropped the transducer in. Filled the pipe with mineral oil and to my surprise it worked. I've found that some bottoms don't reflect well and the contraption will only read to 100+ feet, but it's pretty useful. If I were to do it again, I would buy a more expensive (hopefully, more sensitive) model. One time I did run aground and my cheap model was insensitive enough to read out "3.00 feet, stupid".
CD28 S/V D.Ann
CD28 S/V D.Ann
Re: Depthsounder
Since i spent 10 minutes working my way off a bar the other evening I may have to look for one of those for my CD25, would I have to calibrate for 2 1/2 feet for a 25 or does it automatically sense the grounding?
Re: Depthsounder
You have to calibrate it, but it's just pushing a button. Takes a few seconds as long as you know the depth under your boat. A weight on a string and a measuring tape will take care of that. I calibrate to the water line so my readout corresponds with the chart depths, but some calibrate to the bottom of the keel so zero means you are touching the bottom.
Re: Depthsounder
>>I calibrate to the water line so my readout corresponds with the chart depths, but some calibrate to the bottom of the keel so zero means you are touching the bottom.<<
I calibrate to the bottom of the keel so that the meter reads the depth under the boat. It's the most conservative approach... the big advantage is that when your brother in law has the helm, he won't run aground in 3' of water.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
I calibrate to the bottom of the keel so that the meter reads the depth under the boat. It's the most conservative approach... the big advantage is that when your brother in law has the helm, he won't run aground in 3' of water.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Re: Depthsounder
This year I installed a Standard Horizon DS 100 Depth Sounder with Transducer which cost $176 from Defender. It reads tenths of a foot below 10'. I also installed the regular transducer inside the hull and have had no trouble at all except with turbulance in fairly rough conditions. Jay