Tropical Storm Gabriel Revisited

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Greg Lutzow

Tropical Storm Gabriel Revisited

Post by Greg Lutzow »

I am continually amazed at the heart that these Cape Dory boats have. I monitered winds over 100mph at my house Friday and I'm sure that they exceeded that on Sarastota Bay. When I went to check on my boat on it's mooring Saturday I found grounded and damaged boats along the shore, several boats had been sunk at the docks and one on it's mooring at the sailing squadron. And yet, except for being covered with seaweed and somewhat dirty, CEFALU road the storm out without any problems. Much to my surprise, when I opened her up, there was not a drop of water below decks and none in the bilge. Just amazing.

Greg Lutzow
Warren Kaplan

Re: Tropical Storm Gabriel Revisited

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Greg Lutzow wrote: I am continually amazed at the heart that these Cape Dory boats have. I monitered winds over 100mph at my house Friday and I'm sure that they exceeded that on Sarastota Bay. When I went to check on my boat on it's mooring Saturday I found grounded and damaged boats along the shore, several boats had been sunk at the docks and one on it's mooring at the sailing squadron. And yet, except for being covered with seaweed and somewhat dirty, CEFALU road the storm out without any problems. Much to my surprise, when I opened her up, there was not a drop of water below decks and none in the bilge. Just amazing.

Greg Lutzow
Take a little credit yourself for providing CEFALU III with a good mooring, mooring pennant and I suspect good chafing gear!

Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
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