Tropical Storm Gabriel

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Greg Lutzow

Tropical Storm Gabriel

Post by Greg Lutzow »

I just got back from checking my mooring in Sarasota Bay a few minutes ago. Everything is well with CEFALU and she seems to be riding the storm without problems. The forcast is for the storm to pass directly over my house in Venice Florida. Year around sailing does have its' drawbacks. As I sit in my study I can hear the winds literally rumbling across the roof and the windows shaking in their frames. Hopefully, a copious amount of rain and some heavey winds will be all that come our way today.

Greg Lutzow
John R.

Re: Tropical Storm Gabriel

Post by John R. »

Greg Lutzow wrote: I just got back from checking my mooring in Sarasota Bay a few minutes ago. Everything is well with CEFALU and she seems to be riding the storm without problems. The forcast is for the storm to pass directly over my house in Venice Florida. Year around sailing does have its' drawbacks. As I sit in my study I can hear the winds literally rumbling across the roof and the windows shaking in their frames. Hopefully, a copious amount of rain and some heavey winds will be all that come our way today.

Greg Lutzow
The center passed within 65 miles of my place in Ft. Myers just off the Caloosahatchee. I was finishing my preps of the boat at around midnight (like a drowned rat) and the weather started declining, heavier rain and more breeze, fringe effects just starting. It was around 3:00 - 4:00 am that the weather was at it's worst here. At midnight after reviewing sat images, weatherfax and NHC updates it appeared it was making a B-line for our CD30. I was just praying it would speed up and not stall and strengthen. This could have been a serious one had it lingered a little longer in the Gulf. Our coastline is so shallow that mean tide at my dock was over the dock by almost two feet at around 10:00 am. I did not expect the tide from this particular storm to be that high, this one surprised me. I knew Sanibel and the beaches would see 3' - 5' but did not expect it up where I was. Needless to say forecasts were off on the surge effects up the river. Learned a little more from this one. Seems with each one you gain a little more experience in condition effects, analysis and prediction.

This season is very unusual in so far as the Gulf is concerned. Seems most activity is occuring in the Gulf with 3 storms already, two in july, quite unusual. Our threat season really begins later this month through october and early november for systems originating in the Gulf and west carribean basin.

I used to reside in Treasure Island so I understand well your vulnerability in the Sarasota/Venice area. I remember quite well the effects of Hurricane Elena back in the '80's. About 200 miles away from T.I. and it blew my dock away and almost sank a friends Coronado anchored in Boca Ciega Bay. Not to mention most of the beach at John's Pass disappeared.

I don't know how you can sleep during a storm threat with the boat on a mooring in Sarasota Bay. Not much protection at all and quite a few boats on questionable moorings. My CD is behind the house and I am up most the night keeping an eye on her. Maybe 2 hours zzz's last night. Rain was like little rocks hurled horizontally pelting the windows most of the night.

This system began as an upper level low over my area a week ago and gradually shifted out over the Gulf and then reformed as a low level circulation southwest of here a couple days later. Then reformed again and became a depression a day later about 225 miles SW of Naples and the next thing you know the shearing winds lifted and she developed very quickly into a TS. Most residents didn't have a clue it was out there until it was here. This one could have easily become very serious because of such a short warning period. Luckily she sped up rather than stall.

Glad to hear your boat faired well. Best of luck in the upcoming weeks.
David Miller

Re: Tropical Storm Gabriel

Post by David Miller »

Greg Lutzow wrote: I just got back from checking my mooring in Sarasota Bay a few minutes ago. Everything is well with CEFALU and she seems to be riding the storm without problems. The forcast is for the storm to pass directly over my house in Venice Florida. Year around sailing does have its' drawbacks. As I sit in my study I can hear the winds literally rumbling across the roof and the windows shaking in their frames. Hopefully, a copious amount of rain and some heavey winds will be all that come our way today.

Greg Lutzow
I also woke this morning in Tampa to gust of wind rattling my windows as heavy rain made waves down the street. I went down to check on the Coquina and cursed myself for not fixing the auto bilge as I sat and pumped out water for a good 15 minutes. All in all the storm seemed to do little damage and brought much less surge than I expected. Once again the Coquina prevailed with little to no signs of struggle. It always seems to bring adventure to September sailing...
David Miller
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