Political survey of sailors

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Walt Bilofsky (Webmaster)

OK - Enough already! No more on this thread please.

Post by Walt Bilofsky (Webmaster) »

OK, folks - I think all the appropriate points have been made.

The following statement has been added to the <a href="http://www.toolworks.com/capedory/bboar ... ited">"How to Use This Board"</a> page:

<b>"Three topics are always off-limits: Sex, religion and politics. Any mention of these inevitably draws fuel, heat and (hot) air - the ingredients for a fire if not an explosion."</b>

- Walt Bilofsky
Webmaster, CCDO

Bill Goldsmith

Intellectual Discrimination and Political Correctness

Post by Bill Goldsmith »

I agree that it might be fun to explore the differences and similarities between sailboaters and powerboaters. However, it is close to "off topic" for this board in my opinion. Perhaps this topic can be pursued as a light diversion from recent tragic events in this country, but probably will have to wait a while.

However, I am deeply disturbed by the tone of this thread. The freedom we enjoy in this country is a direct result of the freedom of expression, thought and belief that pervades our history, our constitution and our institutions. Any attempt to classify people into two distinct groups is absurd. People in this country hold a variety and mixture of political opinion precisely because they are guaranteed that right. To lump people into two groups labeled "L" or "C" is divisive, simplistic and fails to acknowledge the depth and complexity of our political landscape. Furthermore, there is a HUGE difference between disagreeing on issues and stating that the other guy has no right to hold a disagreeing position. The insinuation that it is ok to think one way and unacceptable to hold a differing opinion (by labeling responses that disagree with you into an undefined epithet)is called "political correctness" and leads to totalitarianism. It threatens the very freedom you think you are protecting, Hal.

Tolerance of a diversity of opinion and open discussion and disagreement on the merits of those diverse opinions is what preserves our freedom. Hurling epithets and belittling another because they may disagree with you threatens that freedom.

Bill Goldsmith
CD27 #173
Second Chance

Chris Scheck wrote: This is a perfectly reasonable question, Hal. Had you asked it a week ago, I'm sure many people on this board would have happily offered their opinions on the differences between power boaters and sailors. Given the events of the last few days, however, your timing strikes people as inappropriate. Something like talking about your vacation at a funeral.
One of the great things about this board is that it is more than just a discussion of repairs and hardware. I have been impressed time and again by the insights people have offered into just what it is that makes sailing so rewarding, and Cape Dories so appealing. We are fortunate to have several active posters who are true authorities on the subject, and gifted writers as well. Many posters also seem to have quite a sense of humor.
Obviously the tragedy has put people on edge. Living in Manhattan, I see how deeply it is affecting everyone. Overnight, thousands of missing persons flyers have been taped up, displacing the smiling faces on the political campaign posters of the day before. To read a wall full of these posters is almost more than one can bear. You feel the pain of a thousand broken hearts, a city filled with crying families that will never be the same.
Hal, try posing your question again in a few weeks. I for one have plenty of opinions about what is wrong with power boaters.

Chris Scheck
CD33 #117

Tod Mills

You could add

Post by Tod Mills »

......discussion of how water ballast works except that since CD's didn't use it it fortunately somehow doesn't come up....
Walt Bilofsky (Webmaster) wrote: -)

Chris Scheck

Whoa Bill ...

Post by Chris Scheck »

Bill, where did Hal hurl any epithets (as if you could hurl anything through a 56K modem!) He simply asked whether people on this board consider themselves liberal or conservative. Hardly like asking people what their race is, or whether they're gay. To say that it's "biased" to label someone as a liberal or a conservative because it unfairly categorizes people is the "P.C." that you're warning against.

Of course someone's political leanings are a mix of different ingredients, but most people tend to be more liberal, or more conservative, than the next guy. Maybe you drive a Volvo wagon and listen to NPR all day. And maybe you voted for Gore. That would very likely make you more liberal than a guy who drives a Corvette and listens to Rush Limbaugh on his Cigarette thunderboat. I honestly don't see where not talking about politics is protecting anyone's rights.
By the way, Bush is here in Manhattan right now and F-16s are circling the island, protecting our air space. How's that for wierd?
I wish everyone the best, and hope that the healing process can begin this weekend.

Chris Scheck
CD33 #117


Re: You could add

Post by Jon »

Does water weigh anything under water?

CD25 Sovereign
Will W.

Re: You could add

Post by Will W. »

Yes it does and the deeper you go the heavier it gets.

Jon wrote: Does water weigh anything under water?

CD25 Sovereign
Bill Bloxham

Re: I reef early........

Post by Bill Bloxham »

Given your current running rig linage in the DS17, you mean what?

Bob Malinka

Re: You could add

Post by Bob Malinka »

Aah ergo Heavy Water!!

Now I understand this board!@#$%^&

Will W. wrote: Yes it does and the deeper you go the heavier it gets.
Jon wrote: Does water weigh anything under water?

CD25 Sovereign
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