The World Trade Center

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Catherine Monaghan

The World Trade Center

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

I know this has nothing to do with Cape Dorys, but I felt I needed to share this.

Our cruising grounds include New York Harbor and we live close enough to see the city's skyline from a high perch like the top of a hill. bridge, office building or even from an upper level of a house in Rahway, NJ.

I was sitting at my desk on the 2nd floor of Bldg. 60 working this morning when one of the clerks from the 3rd floor stopped by my office shortly after 9:00 a.m. and asked if I had a television set. I thought it was a rather odd request and said no -- no TV and no radio. He then told me that he just heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and it was burning. I looked at him in disbelief and he went on his way. I looked out my office window but the view of the city is blocked by several buildings and trees. The sky was crystal clear blue and cloudless. What a beautiful day.

About half an hour later another co-worker asked me if I had heard about the World Trade Center and then told me that it was hit by two planes. Now I had to find out what was going on.

I stopped working and fired up Netscape Communicator and tried to get to CBS' website -- no response. Then I tried CNN, WINS, the AP, you name it, I tried the websites of every TV, radio and newspaper, local and national, with no luck. Everyone in the world must have been doing exactly as I was and clogging the websites of the news services. I even tried AOL. AOL's homepage showed a headline of the disaster but I couldn't open the article, their servers were busy too.

Around noon I finally got onto CNN's website and I couldn't believe what I was reading. Two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center and both towers had collapsed; a plane had crashed in PA; another had crashed into the Pentagon and a portion of it had collapsed and was burning; government buildings had been evacuated; NY was paralyzed, all bridges, tunnels, trains, etc. had been closed and there was no way in or out of the city, trading had stopped and the Markets on Wall Street were closed; all airports were closed -- all unbelievable.

I printed out all of the related stories from CNN's website and made copies for my coworkers who were trying to get info on the disaster and I left for lunch. As I rode up the elevator in Parking Garage G1 (the elevator is all glass) I could see the city and billowing dust and smoke where the towers once stood. The smoke cloud stretched for miles and stood out in stark contrast against the clear blue sky. I got a sick feeling in my stomach and started to sob.

As soon as I got home I turned on the TV and switched to CNN and watched the tower collapse on top of the building next to it, people running for their lives, dust and debris flying every which way. I prayed to God to help them.

This is the last photo that we took of Manhattan and the World Trade Center. It was taken on July 27, 2001. You'll notice how the towers dominate the skyline. I remember when the towers were built and how then changed the skyline then. This is to remember the towers and the people that occupied them, they and all of the rescue workers trapped inside when the towers collapsed, and the people injured or killed in the surrounding area.

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Warren Kaplan

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Warren Kaplan »

My daughter works 1 or 2 blocks from the WTC twin towers. I couldn't get a hold of her because the telephone line were understandably packed. My wife also works in Manhattan and I couldn't get a hold of her either! I closed my office on Long Island and I usually see the World Trade Center everyday on that trip home! Magnificent and grandiose as well as awe inspiring. Today, when I looked, where once majesty stood, was now...just a void!! Smoke and ash billowing skyward soiling and otherwise beautiful, breezy and sunny late summer's day!! I finally got my daughter on the phone..and my wife. Those were a couple of the longest hours I've ever spent. My daughter walked our of there. A mask over her face as the atmosphere in lower Manhattan was more akin to that after a volcanic eruption! She's okay and so is my wife. But I have friends and other relatives that work in or around the WTC! For those of us who are old enough to remember World War II, many of the people I've talked to are as angry as they were after Pearl Harbor. I bid you and all of your loved ones well. I don't think things in this country are going to be quite the same for a very long time. Sadly, often when I'm sailing, on a very clear day I can see the WTC. That diminishment of the NYC skyline is sure to dampen many a good sailing day for a long time to come.

Warren Kaplan
Larry DeMers

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Larry DeMers »

Even up here in NW Wisconsin, work came to a halt today. I had computer coverage of the CNN broadcast from our California Mediabase transmissions..and watched this disaster unfold also, although remotely. I am speechless. My mind cannot grasp this destruction I guess..but your picture sure helps. I am deeply saddened by the attacks, and worry what the future will bring.

The world has changed. Any two bit despot with a deep enough hatred in his soul can commandeer a plane and kill an awful lot of people in order to make his statement.

Now how do you defend against that?

My friends..more folks need to go sailing.

Be safe everyone,


Catherine Monaghan wrote: I know this has nothing to do with Cape Dorys, but I felt I needed to share this.

Our cruising grounds include New York Harbor and we live close enough to see the city's skyline from a high perch like the top of a hill. bridge, office building or even from an upper level of a house in Rahway, NJ.

I was sitting at my desk on the 2nd floor of Bldg. 60 working this morning when one of the clerks from the 3rd floor stopped by my office shortly after 9:00 a.m. and asked if I had a television set. I thought it was a rather odd request and said no -- no TV and no radio. He then told me that he just heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and it was burning. I looked at him in disbelief and he went on his way. I looked out my office window but the view of the city is blocked by several buildings and trees. The sky was crystal clear blue and cloudless. What a beautiful day.

About half an hour later another co-worker asked me if I had heard about the World Trade Center and then told me that it was hit by two planes. Now I had to find out what was going on.

I stopped working and fired up Netscape Communicator and tried to get to CBS' website -- no response. Then I tried CNN, WINS, the AP, you name it, I tried the websites of every TV, radio and newspaper, local and national, with no luck. Everyone in the world must have been doing exactly as I was and clogging the websites of the news services. I even tried AOL. AOL's homepage showed a headline of the disaster but I couldn't open the article, their servers were busy too.

Around noon I finally got onto CNN's website and I couldn't believe what I was reading. Two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center and both towers had collapsed; a plane had crashed in PA; another had crashed into the Pentagon and a portion of it had collapsed and was burning; government buildings had been evacuated; NY was paralyzed, all bridges, tunnels, trains, etc. had been closed and there was no way in or out of the city, trading had stopped and the Markets on Wall Street were closed; all airports were closed -- all unbelievable.

I printed out all of the related stories from CNN's website and made copies for my coworkers who were trying to get info on the disaster and I left for lunch. As I rode up the elevator in Parking Garage G1 (the elevator is all glass) I could see the city and billowing dust and smoke where the towers once stood. The smoke cloud stretched for miles and stood out in stark contrast against the clear blue sky. I got a sick feeling in my stomach and started to sob.

As soon as I got home I turned on the TV and switched to CNN and watched the tower collapse on top of the building next to it, people running for their lives, dust and debris flying every which way. I prayed to God to help them.

This is the last photo that we took of Manhattan and the World Trade Center. It was taken on July 27, 2001. You'll notice how the towers dominate the skyline. I remember when the towers were built and how then changed the skyline then. This is to remember the towers and the people that occupied them, they and all of the rescue workers trapped inside when the towers collapsed, and the people injured or killed in the surrounding area.

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Ken Coit

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Ken Coit »

May all our Cape Dory family, their families, and other loved ones be safe on this most horrible day in history.

God bless you all,

Catherine Monaghan wrote: I know this has nothing to do with Cape Dorys, but I felt I needed to share this.

Our cruising grounds include New York Harbor and we live close enough to see the city's skyline from a high perch like the top of a hill. bridge, office building or even from an upper level of a house in Rahway, NJ.

I was sitting at my desk on the 2nd floor of Bldg. 60 working this morning when one of the clerks from the 3rd floor stopped by my office shortly after 9:00 a.m. and asked if I had a television set. I thought it was a rather odd request and said no -- no TV and no radio. He then told me that he just heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and it was burning. I looked at him in disbelief and he went on his way. I looked out my office window but the view of the city is blocked by several buildings and trees. The sky was crystal clear blue and cloudless. What a beautiful day.

About half an hour later another co-worker asked me if I had heard about the World Trade Center and then told me that it was hit by two planes. Now I had to find out what was going on.

I stopped working and fired up Netscape Communicator and tried to get to CBS' website -- no response. Then I tried CNN, WINS, the AP, you name it, I tried the websites of every TV, radio and newspaper, local and national, with no luck. Everyone in the world must have been doing exactly as I was and clogging the websites of the news services. I even tried AOL. AOL's homepage showed a headline of the disaster but I couldn't open the article, their servers were busy too.

Around noon I finally got onto CNN's website and I couldn't believe what I was reading. Two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center and both towers had collapsed; a plane had crashed in PA; another had crashed into the Pentagon and a portion of it had collapsed and was burning; government buildings had been evacuated; NY was paralyzed, all bridges, tunnels, trains, etc. had been closed and there was no way in or out of the city, trading had stopped and the Markets on Wall Street were closed; all airports were closed -- all unbelievable.

I printed out all of the related stories from CNN's website and made copies for my coworkers who were trying to get info on the disaster and I left for lunch. As I rode up the elevator in Parking Garage G1 (the elevator is all glass) I could see the city and billowing dust and smoke where the towers once stood. The smoke cloud stretched for miles and stood out in stark contrast against the clear blue sky. I got a sick feeling in my stomach and started to sob.

As soon as I got home I turned on the TV and switched to CNN and watched the tower collapse on top of the building next to it, people running for their lives, dust and debris flying every which way. I prayed to God to help them.

This is the last photo that we took of Manhattan and the World Trade Center. It was taken on July 27, 2001. You'll notice how the towers dominate the skyline. I remember when the towers were built and how then changed the skyline then. This is to remember the towers and the people that occupied them, they and all of the rescue workers trapped inside when the towers collapsed, and the people injured or killed in the surrounding area.

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Tom Foley

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Tom Foley »

Thanks for sharing a beautiful picture of a now not beautiful scene. I was at a reunion in lower Jersey City two months ago and our hotel room provided a great view of the City including WTC. Now its only a memory. Life is fleeting. Make the most of every minute and keep those in NY, DC and California in your prayers.
Catherine Monaghan wrote: I know this has nothing to do with Cape Dorys, but I felt I needed to share this.

Our cruising grounds include New York Harbor and we live close enough to see the city's skyline from a high perch like the top of a hill. bridge, office building or even from an upper level of a house in Rahway, NJ.

I was sitting at my desk on the 2nd floor of Bldg. 60 working this morning when one of the clerks from the 3rd floor stopped by my office shortly after 9:00 a.m. and asked if I had a television set. I thought it was a rather odd request and said no -- no TV and no radio. He then told me that he just heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and it was burning. I looked at him in disbelief and he went on his way. I looked out my office window but the view of the city is blocked by several buildings and trees. The sky was crystal clear blue and cloudless. What a beautiful day.

About half an hour later another co-worker asked me if I had heard about the World Trade Center and then told me that it was hit by two planes. Now I had to find out what was going on.

I stopped working and fired up Netscape Communicator and tried to get to CBS' website -- no response. Then I tried CNN, WINS, the AP, you name it, I tried the websites of every TV, radio and newspaper, local and national, with no luck. Everyone in the world must have been doing exactly as I was and clogging the websites of the news services. I even tried AOL. AOL's homepage showed a headline of the disaster but I couldn't open the article, their servers were busy too.

Around noon I finally got onto CNN's website and I couldn't believe what I was reading. Two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center and both towers had collapsed; a plane had crashed in PA; another had crashed into the Pentagon and a portion of it had collapsed and was burning; government buildings had been evacuated; NY was paralyzed, all bridges, tunnels, trains, etc. had been closed and there was no way in or out of the city, trading had stopped and the Markets on Wall Street were closed; all airports were closed -- all unbelievable.

I printed out all of the related stories from CNN's website and made copies for my coworkers who were trying to get info on the disaster and I left for lunch. As I rode up the elevator in Parking Garage G1 (the elevator is all glass) I could see the city and billowing dust and smoke where the towers once stood. The smoke cloud stretched for miles and stood out in stark contrast against the clear blue sky. I got a sick feeling in my stomach and started to sob.

As soon as I got home I turned on the TV and switched to CNN and watched the tower collapse on top of the building next to it, people running for their lives, dust and debris flying every which way. I prayed to God to help them.

This is the last photo that we took of Manhattan and the World Trade Center. It was taken on July 27, 2001. You'll notice how the towers dominate the skyline. I remember when the towers were built and how then changed the skyline then. This is to remember the towers and the people that occupied them, they and all of the rescue workers trapped inside when the towers collapsed, and the people injured or killed in the surrounding area.

<img src=""></Img>
Warren Stringer

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Warren Stringer »

Catherine Monaghan wrote: This is the last photo that we took of Manhattan and the World Trade Center. It was taken on July 27, 2001. You'll notice how the towers dominate the skyline. I remember when the towers were built and how then changed the skyline then. This is to remember the towers and the people that occupied them, they and all of the rescue workers trapped inside when the towers collapsed, and the people injured or killed in the surrounding area.


Though I now live in Arkansas, I grew up in NJ, not very far from you, in Westfield, Scotch Plains, and Mountainside, and I too remember when the World Trade towers went up. We could see them clearly whenever we went up the hills to the Watchung Reservation. I watched the 1976 Opsail parade from landfill in the shadow of the towers, and I've been up to the observation lounge. I can't believe they're gone. I wonder how many college classmates I lost today.

I fear also for the safety of my Arab and Muslim friends and colleagues. We all need to remember that this was the act of madmen, not of a culture or religion.

I printed out your picture - think I'll keep it a while. I remember the same view from the deck of the Pioneer, out of South Street Seaport - maybe even the same cruise ship. Thanks for the memories.

s/v Eendracht, CD 36
(translation: harmony, accord, or treaty. I asked a group of KLM flight attendants one time, and they said "the feeling that comes from working together". I think we need this now.)
Warren Stringer

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Warren Stringer »

Catherine Monaghan wrote: This is the last photo that we took of Manhattan and the World Trade Center. It was taken on July 27, 2001. You'll notice how the towers dominate the skyline. I remember when the towers were built and how then changed the skyline then. This is to remember the towers and the people that occupied them, they and all of the rescue workers trapped inside when the towers collapsed, and the people injured or killed in the surrounding area.


Though I now live in Arkansas, I grew up in NJ, not very far from you, in Westfield, Scotch Plains, and Mountainside, and I too remember when the World Trade towers went up. We could see them clearly whenever we went up the hills to the Watchung Reservation. I watched the 1976 Opsail parade from landfill in the shadow of the towers, and I've been up to the observation lounge. I can't believe they're gone. I wonder how many college classmates I lost today.

I fear also for the safety of my Arab and Muslim friends and colleagues. We all need to remember that this was the act of madmen, not of a culture or religion.

I printed out your picture - think I'll keep it a while. I remember the same view from the deck of the Pioneer, out of South Street Seaport - maybe even the same cruise ship. Thanks for the memories.

s/v Eendracht, CD 36
(translation: harmony, accord, or treaty. I asked a group of KLM flight attendants one time, and they said "the feeling that comes from working together". I think we need this now.)
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Fanaticism MUST end! ! !

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

To all Captains Commanding,

I don't usually express my feelings about political or religious beliefs, but the event yesterday causes me to do so now.

I truly believe that there will never be Peace on Earth until ALL types of fanaticism are eliminated! I don't care if you are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or whatever, this IS a FREE country and you may believe in whatever your desire. The point is, let me believe in whatever I want to believe with NO restriction or bias.

Just because you think that the Cape Dory sailboats are the best in the world, doesn't mean that I Can NOT buy a Hunter! And I should not be ostracized by anyone for purchasing that vessel. This is a FREE country, and it must remain so.

Make no mistake about it, our Freedom was challenged yesterday! This is a great country, and it will remain so, if we all trully believe in FREEDOM!

Captains, I apologize for climbing on my soap box, but I feel it is something this country needs to start talking about. I remain, your most humble servant ........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "#1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Fleet CDSOA
M. R. Bober

What kind of a people do they think we are?

Post by M. R. Bober »

The Red Cross had requested blood donations. So I went to the collection center near my office on the east side of Baltimore--after work yesterday--only to find 200 volunteers in line ahead of me. Knowing that we are that kind of a people bouyed my spirits considerably.

I'll try again today.
Mitchell Bober
Della Mauk

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Della Mauk »


What a difference a year makes. Last year this time we bought Ladybug our CD36 in Rhode Island and were headed down Long Island Sound past the New York City skyline, under the Brooklyn Bridge out the East River past the statue of Liberty. I was mezmerized how truly awesome the glass and steel buildings were as the sun danced off of them. It was my first trip (the Captain has made this several times), however, I was lucky to have a friend that helped crew that used to live on Long Island to serve as tour director. When this happened I immediately ran and got my photos to see if I had picutres of the WTC which I did but not as nice as the skyline that you posted. Thanks for sharing your photo. My heart and prayers go out to all those who were lost.

Della Mauk
s/v Ladybug
Frank Vernet

Re: WTC and Pentagon

Post by Frank Vernet »

Catherine et al

Yesterday's events will affect us all in some way. Let me add a short account on the Pentagon attack:

I am not physically located in the Pentagon, but rather at the Navy Annex which is approx. 1/2 mile west on a rise overlooking the Pentagon - so we were never the intended target. However, the Boeing 757 that slammed into the Pentagon flew directly over the Annex at a very low altitude ~50'-100'. Several of us were in a conf room watching live reports on the WTC when we heard quite clearly what sounded like a very low and large jet fly directly overhead. Seconds later we heard and felt the enormous explosion - my first thought was "the Pentagon's been hit". Before we could get to a window to see, alarms went off and we evacuated the building.

I spent the rest of the day outside the Pentagon at the site of the destruction organizing litter teams as we prepared for the rescue/recovery effort. As it was, we never went in as firefighters are still fighting the blaze(s) this morning. We were relieved at approx. 5:00pm by Army National Guard equipped and trained to do this sort of thing. I have to tell you that I've never seen anything like it - and I thought I'd seen the worst with fires about USS Nimitz and USS Kitty Hawk. As bad as those 2 conflagrations were, they pale by comparison. You've seen on TV the huge gash made by the plane. Reports now say that the plane penetrated all 5 rings of the Pentagon into the center courtyard. We estimate upwards of 1,000 casualties - mostly Army, Navy and civilian personnel.

In addition, I just received a call from a dear friend whose wife's brother was in Flt 77 that crashed into the Pentagon. We had them over this last Sunday!

In all - a horrific day in many ways. Maybe this will galvanize the world to erradicate this scourge. Let's not waste time with "pinpricks" and "surgical" strikes. We need to rid ourselves of the global terrorist apparatus and delicate ops are not going to be adequate.

Frank Vernet
C/O Sirius
CD33 #84
Michael Heintz

Re: The World Trade Center

Post by Michael Heintz »

Last evening my brother & I went out for a sail, we enjoy a night sail. We are in Norwalk, CT on Long Island sound. From here you often get a good view of NYC. Sadley, we did not see the familar Twin Towers. Instead, a column of smoke. The wind was from the SW and it was carring this smoke out to CT & LI. How sad. Later as it got dark.... we looked to the sky, not a blinking light, not a palne.

What a sad and erie night.

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts
Chris Cram

.....and here in Washington

Post by Chris Cram »

Nothing compares to the devestation in New York!....I thought I would share my Tuesday here in DC

I arrived at work Tuesday, 9 am, NBC news.

There is a certain hum to a newsroom that tells you what is the mood of the day---when I walked thru the door it was quiet, people were horror struck just watching the monitors.

When the explosions in New York and DC were over a sort of explosion hit the newsroom. we went to work.

I grabbed my camera and headed for the Pentagon. 5 miles and 3 1/2 hours later I made it there but not until I saw Washington and its people like I have never seen them before. raw nerves, fear, confusion .... people looking skyward for the next airline to fall.....secondary explosions from the Pentagon audible on Consitition Ave 2 miles radio emanating from all the car radios, people couldn't leave town fast enough and they all left (or tried)at the same time. I have seen large crowds here, jubilant or angry but never like this.

Now at the Pentagon black acrid smoke and incredulity at what we found, the talk of war already on peoples lips...everyone knew it was terrorism and we all knew who was (most likely) to blame.

any way you know the rest of the story so far and I have another live shot to go do. It is 2 am and the west coast stations need their fill too.

Chris Cram
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