Hull Numbers

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Hull Numbers

Post by Jon »

On the hull number, which of the letters indicate the MONTH of manufacture - the one before or after the year? The M or the E on ...M78E?

Ken Coit

Re: Hull Numbers

Post by Ken Coit »


Catherine Monaghan provided the link below a while back.

I think you will find that the M stands for "manufactured" and the 78 is the MODEL YEAR. The E will be the fifth month of the model year which starts in August of the previous calendar year. Thus, "E" represents December of 1977 in your particular case.

I also believe that you will find that the "E" following CPD gives you a clue as to what model of boat you are looking at. My CD/36 has a "T" in that position. Can anyone confirm this?

Good luck on saving that Cape Dory.

CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Jon wrote: On the hull number, which of the letters indicate the MONTH of manufacture - the one before or after the year? The M or the E on ...M78E?

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