I have a '71 Ty Weekender. My problem is that the jib sheets will periodically get caught on the mast cleats when tacking. When this happens, I have to go forward and free the sheet from the cleat. This presents a problem in tacking out of a crowded harbor. The cleats are located about 1 foot from the base of the mast--one on each side. I sail with the working jib and main. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas on how to prevent the jib sheets from getting caught on these mast cleats when tacking? I use these two cleats only to secure a 3/8" line through the reef cringle of the main for a downhaul.
CD Typhoon--question on running rigging.
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD Typhoon--question on running rigging.
I also have this problem with my genny. The cleats at the base of the mast (I use one for a burgee halyard but like the downhaul idea) are angled slightly and it catches on the bottom more often than I'd like. The starboard one was doing it more often than the port side, due to the angle, and it only caught on the bottom horn so I just put a 4" piece of duct tape over it. Not very nautical I'm afraid. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.
Mitch Feeney
Ty Galatea
I also have this problem with my genny. The cleats at the base of the mast (I use one for a burgee halyard but like the downhaul idea) are angled slightly and it catches on the bottom more often than I'd like. The starboard one was doing it more often than the port side, due to the angle, and it only caught on the bottom horn so I just put a 4" piece of duct tape over it. Not very nautical I'm afraid. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.
Mitch Feeney
Ty Galatea
Jim Sullivan wrote: I have a '71 Ty Weekender. My problem is that the jib sheets will periodically get caught on the mast cleats when tacking. When this happens, I have to go forward and free the sheet from the cleat. This presents a problem in tacking out of a crowded harbor. The cleats are located about 1 foot from the base of the mast--one on each side. I sail with the working jib and main. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas on how to prevent the jib sheets from getting caught on these mast cleats when tacking? I use these two cleats only to secure a 3/8" line through the reef cringle of the main for a downhaul.
Re: CD Typhoon--question on running rigging.
Try loading up the cleats with line. It should accomplish the same thing as the duct tape suggestion.
Re: CD Typhoon--question on running rigging.
I use several bungee cords to dress running rigging when not under sail. When under sail, I stow these cords by wrapping them around the mast (with the bungee hooks aft), one just above, one just below, the two cleats in question. This prevents any fouling.
Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Re: CD Typhoon--question on running rigging.
Try running your main and jib halyards aft to the cockpit and remove the 2 mast cleats altogether. Much cleaner. Tnx, JoeJim Sullivan wrote: I have a '71 Ty Weekender. My problem is that the jib sheets will periodically get caught on the mast cleats when tacking. When this happens, I have to go forward and free the sheet from the cleat. This presents a problem in tacking out of a crowded harbor. The cleats are located about 1 foot from the base of the mast--one on each side. I sail with the working jib and main. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas on how to prevent the jib sheets from getting caught on these mast cleats when tacking? I use these two cleats only to secure a 3/8" line through the reef cringle of the main for a downhaul.