For Larry DeMers....your log Sir...

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D. Stump, Hanalei

For Larry DeMers....your log Sir...

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain DeMers,

Look at posts below, the log of Hanalei is there somewhere...explains what happened during the first ever Cape Dory race. I am sure, that we would all be interested in a narrative of the log of DeLaMer over the past three weeks on Superior. How did it go? Any scary adventures? Can't wait to hear from you....your humble servant...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "1"
Larry DeMers

Re: For Larry DeMers....your log Sir...

Post by Larry DeMers »

Captain Dave, Sir;

Aye, I be back from the rolling fog shrouded seas of the North of Superior. Twas an interesting trip, with chalenges from surprising directions. We are safe, and miss the lake already. A review of the log is underway and will be published tonight or tomorrow morn.


Captains Jan and Larry DeMers
Commanding DeLaMer
a Cape Dory 30 ~~Sailing Lake Sueperior~~

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain DeMers,

Look at posts below, the log of Hanalei is there somewhere...explains what happened during the first ever Cape Dory race. I am sure, that we would all be interested in a narrative of the log of DeLaMer over the past three weeks on Superior. How did it go? Any scary adventures? Can't wait to hear from you....your humble servant...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "1"
Chris Scheck

The log, sir ...

Post by Chris Scheck »

Captain Stump -

Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed your account of the tactics that led to your resounding victory over the fleet at Adrian Block's Islandt. To be truthful, the last essay I read that was as humble and unbiased as yours was the autobiography of one Mr Donald Trump.

Have you seen the exchange that followed my observations titled "Cockpit Speakers in a CD36" 8/24/01
This fellow Mark Yashinsky detects a certain resemblance in our prose style. As a matter of fact, he thinks you and I might be the same person. I am not sure whether you, or I, is more insulted!


Chris Scheck
CD33 #117
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