Mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Jim Adams

Mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area?

Post by Jim Adams »

Anyone know of a mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area? I've forgotten how to get in and out of a slip.

Re: Mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area?

Post by keith »

Jim Adams wrote: Anyone know of a mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area? I've forgotten how to get in and out of a slip.
I don't know of any moorings in Clear Lake area, but might have a suggestion on slip where you are at little risk of plowing into neighbors, etc, that I have discovered in the area and would consider if I were to locate my boat there. If you want to, contact me by email.
Steve Heineke

Re: Mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area?

Post by Steve Heineke »

Hey Keith, If you have information on slips in the Clear Lake area why not post it...or is it a secret? :) I'm really surprised at how many CDs are in Texas; Maybe enough to form a Texas or Gulf Coast Fleet???

Stephen Heineke
s/v La Suavita CD25 #67

keith wrote:
Jim Adams wrote: Anyone know of a mooring in the Clear Lake, TX area? I've forgotten how to get in and out of a slip.
I don't know of any moorings in Clear Lake area, but might have a suggestion on slip where you are at little risk of plowing into neighbors, etc, that I have discovered in the area and would consider if I were to locate my boat there. If you want to, contact me by email.
Jim Adams

Re: TX Fleet?

Post by Jim Adams »

If you are ambitious enough to put together a Gulf Coast/TX fleet perhaps you should post it and see what sort of response you get. You won't get much of a response if the idea is hidden within another thread. If you do the legwork you could give yourself a really great title! FWIW.
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