NE Fleet Rondy Disk #3

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NE Fleet Rondy Disk #3

Post by Bill »

Hello to all

Here are some pic of our (Heather Ann's) departure from Block Is (headed for Onset MA) and then on to Tenants Harbor, ME.

<A HREF=" ... 0902">Disk #3</A>

More to follow!
Dave Potts

Re: NE Fleet Rondy Disk #3 - Freudian Slip?

Post by Dave Potts »


I had been a little concerned about being the only vessel in the 2001 CDSOA Maine Cruise with young children aboard and how their presence might affect the overall peace and sanctity of the raft up. Your label for Picture 25, "Cursing with the Kids", is quite revealing (although perhaps not as bad as "Cursing about the Kids" or "Cursing at the %^#$* Skipper who brought the %^&?^$% Kids").

Seriously, though - nice pictures. The raft-up of two is Andronikos (the CD30C with the 3 kids) and Iolanthe (CD31).

CD30C Andronikos

Re: NE Fleet Rondy Disk #3 - Freudian Slip?

Post by Boll »

My apologies Dave

I didnt even see that I had mis-spelled cruising....No slip of any kind, just no spell/grammer check and a rush job of uploading over a slow connection. Sorry, and thanks point out the error. I have fixed the verbage (I think).

<FONT COLOR="FF0000">Bill</font>
Dave Potts wrote: Bill:

I had been a little concerned about being the only vessel in the 2001 CDSOA Maine Cruise with young children aboard and how their presence might affect the overall peace and sanctity of the raft up. Your label for Picture 25, "Cursing with the Kids", is quite revealing (although perhaps not as bad as "Cursing about the Kids" or "Cursing at the %^#$* Skipper who brought the %^&?^$% Kids").

Seriously, though - nice pictures. The raft-up of two is Andronikos (the CD30C with the 3 kids) and Iolanthe (CD31).

CD30C Andronikos
Leo MacDonald CD30K

Great shots!

Post by Leo MacDonald CD30K »

Great job Bill!!

You're the now the "Ships Photographer on board 'Heather Ann'!
(And in a run off with Bruce Halley for NE Fleet Photographer :-)

Thanks for taking the time to produce and share our summers sailing adventure!

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
'Heather Ann' CD30K #57
CDSOA #1 (Spinnaker)
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