I have a 1976 CD25 and I've noticed recently that my top drop board in the companion way seems to be unusually loose. It appears that the companion way has become about 1/2 - 3/4 inch wider at the top. I have not done anything unusual to the rigging which would cause undo stress nor does my cabin top feel mushy. Any suggestions on a possible cause or where to look.
Perfect Bound CD25
CD25 loose drop board
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD25 loose drop board
Tony,Tony Barlanti wrote: I have a 1976 CD25 and I've noticed recently that my top drop board in the companion way seems to be unusually loose. It appears that the companion way has become about 1/2 - 3/4 inch wider at the top. I have not done anything unusual to the rigging which would cause undo stress nor does my cabin top feel mushy. Any suggestions on a possible cause or where to look.
Perfect Bound CD25
That's a weird one. Since you didn't mention you hatch cover falling into the cabin, it doesn't sound like your companionway is actually widening. Perhaps it is the framing that the boards slide in that is becoming loose. Check the frame for any play or seperation of it's members. I'm curious see how this turns out.
CD25 # 652
Re: CD25 loose drop board
The top board in my compaion way had a little strip of teak glued to one edge when I bought the boat. I didn't give it much thought until the glue let go and the strip fell off. Then I noticed that the board was too short. It could actually be worked out with the companion way hatch closed. I see no structural problems on my boat. There is no way the companion way could have spread 1/4" without some major fiberglass cracking. I gotta think some fool cut the board too short! The proper fix of course would be to make a new board, but I just cut a 1/4" strip of teak and glued AND nailed it to the edge and put it back in the companion way. It doesn't even look bad as the seem dos'nt show when it's in place.
Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496
Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496
Tony Barlanti wrote: I have a 1976 CD25 and I've noticed recently that my top drop board in the companion way seems to be unusually loose. It appears that the companion way has become about 1/2 - 3/4 inch wider at the top. I have not done anything unusual to the rigging which would cause undo stress nor does my cabin top feel mushy. Any suggestions on a possible cause or where to look.
Perfect Bound CD25
Re: CD25 loose drop board
You may have a problem. I noticed the same thing on my 1978 CD25 when it was about 6 years old. I called the factory and they said "yes, we've seen that on a few boats". They flew two guys out from the factory and installed a series of braces and other pieces that they had designed to solve the problem. I had the boat for 20 years and never had any further problem. Mine was #584. Somewhere after that they put the fix in during construction (so I've been given to understand). Boats prior to mine or around that time may need something done. I don't know if anyone at Robinhood can help but someone must know what they all did. Good luck.
Jerry Hammernik
Lion's Paw CD 28 #341
Jerry Hammernik
Lion's Paw CD 28 #341
Tony Barlanti wrote: I have a 1976 CD25 and I've noticed recently that my top drop board in the companion way seems to be unusually loose. It appears that the companion way has become about 1/2 - 3/4 inch wider at the top. I have not done anything unusual to the rigging which would cause undo stress nor does my cabin top feel mushy. Any suggestions on a possible cause or where to look.
Perfect Bound CD25
Re: CD25 loose drop board
I have the same problem on Second Wind [CD25 #535]. I discovered it when I measured the companionway for a chart board and found that the hatch is 3/4" wider at the aft end than the forward end. I had the boat checked out by a qualified yard where they knew about the carling fix [braces for stability]. They thought it not necessary, so we widened the drop boards and declared victory. The opening shows no stress cracks and no loose wood fittings. It does seem to flex closed a bit when the boat is hauled out of the water. I will be interested to hear any other observations.
Tony Barlanti wrote: I have a 1976 CD25 and I've noticed recently that my top drop board in the companion way seems to be unusually loose. It appears that the companion way has become about 1/2 - 3/4 inch wider at the top. I have not done anything unusual to the rigging which would cause undo stress nor does my cabin top feel mushy. Any suggestions on a possible cause or where to look.
Perfect Bound CD25
Re: CD25 loose drop board
I have a 1976 CD25 #444 and the top drop board is also loose. No signs of any stress along the cabin. It must have been a factory error on the length of the drop board I guess.
I have a 1976 CD25 #444 and the top drop board is also loose. No signs of any stress along the cabin. It must have been a factory error on the length of the drop board I guess.