Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
I have been a CD owner for years and am very pleased with the performance and quality of the boat.
I now have the opportunity to step up to a larger boat. A 36 is an option, but I may want to get into the forty range.
I know this is a sensitive area, BUT who better to ask than this board?
If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
I now have the opportunity to step up to a larger boat. A 36 is an option, but I may want to get into the forty range.
I know this is a sensitive area, BUT who better to ask than this board?
If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
Re: The choice is easy...& don't hide!
Why Captain! The choice is easy, a Cape Dory Forty! Only problem is, only two of them were ever constructed! One was at the Block Island get together last, she was open for inspection and maybe others can tell you what she looked like.
I'm not sure, but doesn't RobinHood Marine make a forty that is on the same lines(molds) as the original CD-40?
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30 "1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
I'm not sure, but doesn't RobinHood Marine make a forty that is on the same lines(molds) as the original CD-40?
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30 "1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
...only two of them were ever made?
While I'm somewhat reluctant to post anything disputing a comment our esteemed Nautical Traditions Officer offers up (especially since I have learned so much from many of his prior postings), according to the "About Cape Dorys" link on this sites main page, there were sixteen 40's made. In fact, I am the proud owner of hull #16, a 1990. The anonymous poster should be aware that two 40's are currently on the market, a 1985 listed on and a 1986 listed on So no need to go outside the family.
Best Regards,
Craig Curtis
1990 CD40(#16) "Coalescence"
Best Regards,
Craig Curtis
1990 CD40(#16) "Coalescence"
Re: B40
Oh, I thought you probably meant the Bermuda 40 from Hinckley. At least Andy V. moved to the right neighborhood.
Undisclosed wrote: While it doesn't have the same quality of a CD, I've always loved the lines of the Bristol 40.
Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
A Block Island 40.Hiding behind my computer wrote:
I have been a CD owner for years and am very pleased with the performance and quality of the boat.
I now have the opportunity to step up to a larger boat. A 36 is an option, but I may want to get into the forty range.
I know this is a sensitive area, BUT who better to ask than this board?
If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
I'd suggest looking at a Crealock 40.Joe Wysong wrote:A Block Island 40.Hiding behind my computer wrote:
I have been a CD owner for years and am very pleased with the performance and quality of the boat.
I now have the opportunity to step up to a larger boat. A 36 is an option, but I may want to get into the forty range.
I know this is a sensitive area, BUT who better to ask than this board?
If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
I second the Crealock 40 as a good offshore boat and of excellent construction. The boat I want to end up with is a Camper Nicholson 40 and would urge you to take a good look at one -- the aft cockpit version, though. It's built to Lloyd's 100A1 specs, well engineered, sturdy, and great in a seaway, with lots of well thought-out and liveable features. Check it out. Ketch rig would be nice to divide up the sail plan, though, but not one made, unfortunately.
Just one old guy's opinion.
Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
Oriental, NC
Just one old guy's opinion.
Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
Oriental, NC
Oh WOW, Two Errors One Posting!!!
Dearist Captain.
I think perhaps you were heavy into the grog at Block Island.
The vessel in question (open for inspedtion) was a CD 45 me thinks......Of which the skipper (or someone) said that there were only three built (no I didnt look elsewhere in the site).
Perhaps you mind is STILL grogy!!!!!!
Thus I remain
Your humble (sober) servant
S/V Rhapsody (the Orginial)
Why Captain! The choice is easy, a Cape Dory Forty! Only problem is, only two of them were ever constructed! One was at the Block Island get together last, she was open for inspection and maybe others can tell you what she looked like.
I think perhaps you were heavy into the grog at Block Island.
The vessel in question (open for inspedtion) was a CD 45 me thinks......Of which the skipper (or someone) said that there were only three built (no I didnt look elsewhere in the site).
Perhaps you mind is STILL grogy!!!!!!
Thus I remain
Your humble (sober) servant
S/V Rhapsody (the Orginial)
Why Captain! The choice is easy, a Cape Dory Forty! Only problem is, only two of them were ever constructed! One was at the Block Island get together last, she was open for inspection and maybe others can tell you what she looked like.
Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: I'm not sure, but doesn't RobinHood Marine make a forty that is on the same lines(molds) as the original CD-40?
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30 "1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
Re: Upps! Thought it looked BIG for a forty!
S/V Rhapsody (the Orginial)
Ah! It IS refreshing to know that even those of us that are careful, can make mistakes..thank you Captain for setting this adrift Captain back on course!!!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30 "1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
S/V Rhapsody (the Orginial)
Ah! It IS refreshing to know that even those of us that are careful, can make mistakes..thank you Captain for setting this adrift Captain back on course!!!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30 "1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
Re: B40
Ken,Ken Coit wrote: Oh, I thought you probably meant the Bermuda 40 from Hinckley. At least Andy V. moved to the right neighborhood.
Some years back I had the opportunity to sail on a Hinckley Bermuda 40. Quite a boat. Build like a rock! I wanted one. Alas, my checkbook balance at the time was two decimal places short. Oh well.
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
Other boats in the 36-40' range? Two quick observations ...
just met someone who's cruising the east coast on a 41' Beneteau ... lots of room and a comfortable interior for a very reasonable price. Is it built like a Cape Dory ... probably not.
Been aboard several Island Packets at boat shows and chartered the little IP29. Lots of room, serious blue water boat, everyone raves about the quality, but of course you pay top dollar. And they just aren't very graceful looking. Although once you lay out $300,000+ I'm sure the look will grow on you!
just met someone who's cruising the east coast on a 41' Beneteau ... lots of room and a comfortable interior for a very reasonable price. Is it built like a Cape Dory ... probably not.
Been aboard several Island Packets at boat shows and chartered the little IP29. Lots of room, serious blue water boat, everyone raves about the quality, but of course you pay top dollar. And they just aren't very graceful looking. Although once you lay out $300,000+ I'm sure the look will grow on you!
Re: CD40C at last year's rendezvous
Okay you guys, this post made me reach into my memory as well as my records for last year's rendezvous. She was the CD40C Pegasus, owned by Bob and Cathi Sloan -- a real beaut!
Bill wrote: Dearist Captain.
I think perhaps you were heavy into the grog at Block Island.
The vessel in question (open for inspedtion) was a CD 45 me thinks......Of which the skipper (or someone) said that there were only three built (no I didnt look elsewhere in the site).
Perhaps you mind is STILL grogy!!!!!!
Thus I remain
Your humble (sober) servant
S/V Rhapsody (the Orginial)
Why Captain! The choice is easy, a Cape Dory Forty! Only problem is, only two of them were ever constructed! One was at the Block Island get together last, she was open for inspection and maybe others can tell you what she looked like.
Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: I'm not sure, but doesn't RobinHood Marine make a forty that is on the same lines(molds) as the original CD-40?
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30 "1"
Nautical Traditions Officer