Roller furling jib for a Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender

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Roller furling jib for a Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender

Post by Bob »

I am interested in installing a roller furling jib system on my Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender. Any suggestions on manufacturers, models and pitfalls.

Re: Roller furling jib for a Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender

Post by Matt »

My Typhoon Daysailer has Hood roller furling. It was on the boat when I purchased, so do not know about installation. But I love it. Gennie is a 130 (or there abouts). Works great with no problems, remounting in spring and dismounting in fall is easy. Pictures can
be seen at: ... uid=165901

Re: Roller furling jib for a Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender

Post by Joel »

I did a little research into this. I found that the Cruising Designs FF1 is a good fit in the Ty. I'd been advised that the roller bearing option was a good idea. Some had expressed concern whether the FF1 was strong enough for a rig as stout as the Ty, but had also been told that it was more than ample. I haven't yet made the jump. Good luck.

Pokey II
'73 Ty #549

Re: Roller furling jib for a Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender

Post by Chris »

Our 1980 Ty has a CDI roller furling unit with a 150% hooked to it. I don't think I'll ever own another sailboat without RF. It works like a charm. Knowing what I know about RF now, I can easily say that RF would be one of the first things I would upgrade on any future sailboat of mine that doesn't already have it. However, one thing I would like to have installed is luff pads, so I can reef the headsail & maintain its proper shape.

Re: Roller furling jib for a Cape Dory Typhoon Weekender

Post by Joel »

Which CDI unit do you have? Did you opt for the ball bearings? Did you install it yourself? How'd it go?

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