Howdy All!
Went to the boat store for a pack of toilet paper, and came back with another boat! A local shop was closing out new Bombard AX3 for $700 (w/pump, carry case, & oars) and I grabbed one. The boat is a bright red 8'6" roll-up inflatable with slatted floor and hard transom. It's rated for 4 passengers or about 800lbs and will take up to 4hp. It's a tight fit, but it does go into a CD25 cockpit locker. I'm not sure about the '79 and later CD25, as their lockers are closed in. I'm sure the AX mini and AX2 will also fit, as they are smaller than the AX3.
The key to getting it into the locker is not to roll it up. I tried that - big mistake (over an hour to get it out). Also, you must take the slats out of the floor. I placed the transom in first, then fed the rest of the deflated boat in accordian style. There is actually room for the oars and pump in there too!
CD25 #624
Found One! Bombard AX3 Fits in CD25 Locker!
Moderator: Jim Walsh