1st long cruise!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


1st long cruise!

Post by dan »

hey pals!

im planning my first long sail...from boston harbor to marthas vinyard...in my cd25. im a novice to say the least and have only done short day sails around the boston harbor area. im planning to leave in 2 to 4 weeks and take 2 or maybe 3 days to get there...

needless to say im a little nervous..im planning to do atleast one over nighter before i go...possibly to scituate harbor...

so does anyone have any advice on places to anchor along the way...things to stay away from.....etc....

or..is anyone else here plannng to make that trip within the next few weeks?



Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Jim »

By novice, do you mean new to cruising? Boating? I hope that you know the basics of Seamanship; NAVIGATION, Reefing, Anchoring, Rules of the road, Etc. If you are not familiar with these possibly you may want to go to a marina or yacht club and list your name as a willing crew. You can get some experience on someone else's boat with a little less stress and risk.

Stan W.

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Stan W. »

I just came back from my first long cruise as well; Duxbury to Nantucket and back. Took me two days each way, but that included more motoring than I would have liked on account of light winds and dense fog. Overnighted in Tarpaulin Cove on the way down and Vineyard Haven on the way back.

Don't worry, you'll be fine. If you haven't already, invest in a basic chartplotting GPS (the Garmin handheld I bought costs about $350 and comes with a database that includes navigational aids). This is key in the fog. Likewise, if you haven't already, get an Eldridge. Catching fair tides in the canal and Woods Hole is fairly important and it is helpful in Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound as well. Your estimate of two to three days is right on. The exact time will depend on wind direction and speed, tides, how much you use the motor (note that you are required to motor through the canal), and how much you cruise after dark. For your first overnight, I would recommend Scituate, my home waters of Plymouth/Kingston/Duxbury Bay, or the marina at the east end of the canal in Sandwich, depending on your progress. For your second overnight (if necessary), there are a number of good harbors on both sides of Buzzards Bay. These are described in some detail in a book called "Cruising Coastal New England" or something like that.

Good luck and enjoy!


Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by len »


it is unusual at this time of year to run into bad weather, the problem is usually too little wind and therefore too much motoring - timing is critical to get through the canal and through wood's hole easily - scituate is easy to get in and out of and there are always moorings - plymouth harbor is a long way in from the bay - if you have time, consider provincetown, although off track somewhat it's a hoot to arrive there by sea and there is lots of room to anchor


Neil Gordon

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>...from boston harbor to marthas vinyard...in my cd25. im a novice to say the least and have only done short day sails around the boston harbor area.<<

Good advice so far. Yes, for sure get a copy of Eldridge... you need the tide and current tables for the canal and for Woods Hole. I also suggest an overnight trip to Scituate and back first. That will give you a chance to plot a course on a chart, do some coastal piloting, etc., etc. When you leave, check the tide tables and plan on catching the falling tide and ride the current out of Boston Harbor. Moorings are always available in Scituate, by the way, without reservations.

Is your plan to sail to the Vinyard daylight sailing only? (That seems a good idea, considering your experience.) A good plan is to go to Scituate for the first night, then leave early and (hopefully) catch the current change at the canal. You can't fight the current if it's against you! Plymouth is within range of Boston for a day sail, but it's a long way in and out with a pretty good current. You really have to plan to catch a fair tide... but then the canal current is always against you when you get there. So for me, it's not a good stop over. Once through the canal, you can stop at Onset for the second night. From there, check the current for Woods Hole (you want to go through on slack tide!) and leave Onset with time to spare. You might want to pick up a cruising guide if you don't have one... lots of info on harbors along the way, with phone numbers, etc. I've found that calling local marinas can be helpful in gathering local knowledge about tides/currents/etc.

Good luck.

By the way, where do you keep your boat? We're at Marina Bay.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

David Brownlee

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by David Brownlee »

You should know how to anchor and reef and how to stay in port when you don't like the look of things. Make sure your radio receives the relevant NOAA weather broadcast stations. And do get Eldridges (or Reeds) and calculate the tides at the canal and Wood's Hole. These are simple things, all of which have to be done the first time at least once! This can be that first time, and you'll have a good time.

For inspiration and pleasure, read:

For information about anchorages:
Lynda Childress, Patrick Childress, and Tink Martin, A CRUISING GUIDE TO NARRAGANSETT BAY AND THE SOUTH COAST OF MASSACHUSETTS (Camden, ME: International Marine, 1996)

Roger Duncan, Paul Fenn, Wallace Fenn, and John Ware, THE CRUISING GUIDE TO THE NEW ENGLAND COAST (NY: W.W. Norton, 1995) This is the classic, first published in 1937.

Ian Quarrier, ed., EMBASSY'S COMPLETE BOATING GUIDE: RHODE ISLAND AND MASSACHUSETTS, second edition (Old Saybroook, CT: Embassy Marine Publishing, 1992)

David Brownlee

Stan W.

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Stan W. »

The Duncan, Fenn, et al. book is the one I was refering to.


Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Jon »

There is a new 12th edition of the Crusing Guide to the New England Coast coming out in March. You can pre-order it on Amazon.com.

CD25 Sovereign
Gary McDonough

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Gary McDonough »

Hi Dan:

I've made the trip from Hingham Harbor to MV the last four years and will probably do it again after Labor Day. I agree with the previous posts. I usually go to Scituate for one night and then stop at either Onset or Red Brook Harbor for the second night. It depends on the conditions in Buzzards Bay. You need to be aware of the conditions in the Bay as you leave the canal. If it's late in the day and if the wind has been blowing pretty good all day from the SW, you can get some nasty seas there.

Last year when I left Onset around nine in the morning, we had 4 to 6 foot head seas. The problem initially is that the Bay is too narrow to sail so you have to motor into the seas for most of an hour. Eventually it opens up and you can fall off and then tack towards Woods Hole.

On my return trip last year NOAA radio reported SW winds of approximately 33 knots and seas (following) of 8 to 10 feet in Buzzards Bay. We did make it to Onset but in retrospect I should have gone to Red Brook Harbor instead. In the future I will time my entrance and exit better to achieve more favorable conditions. In fact, six out of eight times going through Buzzards Bay I've had high winds and seas. The other two times were calm like a bathtub.

FYI, last year after Labor Day the moorings outside of the breakwater in Vineyard Haven were free. However, there was no launch service either so if you plan on stopping there make sure you have a dinghy.




Robert Melvin

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Robert Melvin »


My family and I will be making the trip on August 26th from Boston Harbor to Oak Bluffs. Our plan is to leave Sunday around 3:00 PM and sail to Lovells Island (outer boston Harbor) and anchor there for the night. Then leave there early AM to Onset (Canal is favorable starting at 5:30PM on Monday. Tuesday from Onset to Oak Bluffs). It will be our first trip there from Boston. If your planning around this time we could follow eachother. If your interested email me at rmelvin1@rcn.com


Neil Gordon

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Our plan is to leave Sunday around 3:00 PM and sail to Lovells Island (outer boston Harbor) and anchor there for the night. Then leave there early AM to Onset ...<<

What's the advantage of sailing to Lovells? If you leave at 3pm, you could be in Scituate by 7:30 pm or so. That way you can sleep late and still make the 5:30 pm current change at the canal. My preference would be to use the available time to go as far as I could, taking advantage of favorable conditions.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Robert Melvin

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Robert Melvin »

The earliest we can leave Sun is 3:00PM. Knowing my family, we won't leave the dock until 5:00 and i thought of Lovells as really just a jump start For Mondays sail. If I do get out at 3:00 do you think i can make by 7:30PM because that would work out much better. I'm heading to Scituate tomorrow and I'll time the run.



Gary McDonough

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Gary McDonough »

I'm heading to Scituate tomorrow and I'll time the run.


Where are you coming from tomorrow? My wife and I are leaving Hingham Harbor tomorrow A.M. and going to Scitutate for the night in our 30'.


Robert Melvin

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Robert Melvin »

I'm leaving Savin Hill YC (dorchester) around 9:00AM. If you are leaving around that time email me and we'll follow you down. I'm heading out into the Harbor right now (please no T-Storms) but should be around at 8:00 PM tonight.


Neil Gordon

Re: 1st long cruise!

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>If I do get out at 3:00 do you think i can make by 7:30PM ...<<

As I recall, from Marina Bay to Scituat harbor is right about 20 miles. If the wind cooperates both in strength and direction, five knots gets you there. But if you leave late and/or tack or wait for a breeze, etc., you could be sailing in the dark. Also, check the tide tables... you lose lots of time if you have to fight the current.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

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