attention 33CD owners - forward porthole for 33 CD

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attention 33CD owners - forward porthole for 33 CD

Post by mike »

Several years ago I asked 33 owners on the list if they'd be interested in purchasing, a yet to be designed forward porthole facing for the 33.

It has to be specially designed for the curvature of the cabin, but I'm told it's doable.

I remember a number of folks replying and unfortunately I was unable to find a caster to do the work, so the project has languished.

With the success of Bristol Bronze(I haven't spoken to Bristol Bronze as yet), I'd like to reopen that discussion and see if we can find enough interested owners to commission a short production run.

Thanks for your interest and please reply on the list so that the discussion can be open for other 33cd owners to find.

thanks in advance,
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