Proper Mooring Size?

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Warren Kaplan

Proper Mooring Size?

Post by Warren Kaplan »

I'm probably going to put Sine Qua Non (CD27) on a mooring next year and the marina recommends a 300 pound mooring for a 27 foot boat. I got to thinking about a few things and I need some advice. First, there are 27 foot boats that displace 3500 pounds, and there are CD27s that displace 7500 pounds. Surely that makes a difference. The boat will probably be moored in Oyster Bay, a nice bay off of Long Island Sound. Its protected by land on 3 sides with a relatively narrow inlet. The bay isn't that large so there is no fetch to produce anything more than heavy chop in strong winds. No big rollers to deal with. The depth I estimate is between 12 and 22 feet, mean low tide, depending where they place the mooring. I'm thinking of going to the next size up, which is a 350 pound mooring but I confess I really don't know what's too little and what's overkill. What do you think? Also, what size pennant would you have from the boat to the mooring ball (diameter and length)?
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Neil Gordon

Re: Proper Mooring Size?

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>... there are 27 foot boats that displace 3500 pounds, and there are CD27s that displace 7500 pounds. Surely that makes a difference.<<

I've seen lots of discussions regarding anchor sizes and the conclusion is always that the weight of the boat isn't a factor. Size matters since that's essentially a measure of how much surface is exposed to wind and/or current.

>>I'm thinking of going to the next size up, which is a 350 pound mooring ...<<

What's the difference in cost and how does that compare to the value of the boat? Bigger is better when the hurricane hits. Besides, you can keep the heavier mooring when you buy a bigger boat.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Re: Proper Mooring Size?

Post by Dave »

Well, my first question is and i am guessing here that you are talking about using a mushroom mooring? I have down a 250lbs for my CD25, the displacement does count for some of the configuration of the mooring size, but it's also the amount of surface area above the water that is going to give you the pulling force on the mooring. The best thing you can do is to go big. The best way to do that is in the chain, but with a good size mushroom. I would think for that area a 300 would not move on you. You want to have 2 1/2 times the maxium water depth of chain. I have down 45' of 5/8" long link chain and that weighs just about as much as the mushroom i think. That way if the seas do get big you have a built in shock absorber. The dammage to penant lines happens when the chain pulls tight and the rope starts to stretch because the chain is too small and doesn't have the weight behind it. This causes friction in the line and the line gets warm causing more friction and eventually the line will fail. I would probably use 3/4" if it will fit through the cleats, but 5/8" would be more then enough.
A great sight to get more information on this is Just do a search under there articles and you'll see many sourses. Hope this helped.

CD 25' R&R

Warren Kaplan wrote: I'm probably going to put Sine Qua Non (CD27) on a mooring next year and the marina recommends a 300 pound mooring for a 27 foot boat. I got to thinking about a few things and I need some advice. First, there are 27 foot boats that displace 3500 pounds, and there are CD27s that displace 7500 pounds. Surely that makes a difference. The boat will probably be moored in Oyster Bay, a nice bay off of Long Island Sound. Its protected by land on 3 sides with a relatively narrow inlet. The bay isn't that large so there is no fetch to produce anything more than heavy chop in strong winds. No big rollers to deal with. The depth I estimate is between 12 and 22 feet, mean low tide, depending where they place the mooring. I'm thinking of going to the next size up, which is a 350 pound mooring but I confess I really don't know what's too little and what's overkill. What do you think? Also, what size pennant would you have from the boat to the mooring ball (diameter and length)?
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Jody Kaplan

Re: Proper Mooring Size?

Post by Jody Kaplan »

Warren Kaplan wrote: I'm probably going to put Sine Qua Non (CD27) on a mooring next year and the marina recommends a 300 pound mooring for a 27 foot boat. I got to thinking about a few things and I need some advice. First, there are 27 foot boats that displace 3500 pounds, and there are CD27s that displace 7500 pounds. Surely that makes a difference. The boat will probably be moored in Oyster Bay, a nice bay off of Long Island Sound. Its protected by land on 3 sides with a relatively narrow inlet. The bay isn't that large so there is no fetch to produce anything more than heavy chop in strong winds. No big rollers to deal with. The depth I estimate is between 12 and 22 feet, mean low tide, depending where they place the mooring. I'm thinking of going to the next size up, which is a 350 pound mooring but I confess I really don't know what's too little and what's overkill. What do you think? Also, what size pennant would you have from the boat to the mooring ball (diameter and length)?
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Hi Warren, Im in a protected section of HuningtonHarbor(halesite,heavy mud). Im using a 250 mushroom,1/2 chain top and bottom for a cd 30. I weathered some good blows with said anchor and a 32 Irwin with more weight and topsides (prior boat). By the way think about using using american chain and hardware . Theres been alot of failures with other types locally. Jody K

another tip

Post by Harris »

Get the biggest bottom chain possible. I came by a section of 3/4 for my mooring. Each link is the size of a bagel.....does an exellent job of dampening the boats tugging.Use that or 5/8. Your top chain can be something more 1/2. My boat was half the weight of yours and I always used 3/4 mooring pennants with a spliced eye. When I had the conventional bouy with the ring on the bottom they used to get frayed and unlay........I'd go through 2 per year. Then I got the Taylor made bouy with the tube for the chain to pass through. Definitely get one of those. The west marine site will give the weight capacity of each size. With those the pennants last for years and dont get all grungy from being submerged.
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