head troubles

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Mel Vincent

head troubles

Post by Mel Vincent »

I need some guidance on how to repair a head. I installed a new kit in our Wil/Crit head mate over the winter. All went well with its operation and use until last weekend. The flush works fine when flushing but when you switch to dry it firms up and pumps no more. If you force the leaver it will eventually go down, almost to say the plug is gone. I first thought it was gloged but it happens with just water as well. I have taken it apart a couple of times and every thing seems to be in place. The last time I received a fair bit of mineral deposits, I think. Calder in one of his books refers to a process of viniger or muratic acid to clean it out. Does any one have thoughts or suggestions. I might just replace the hose and vent.



Re: head troubles

Post by Joan »

Check out Peggie Hall's web site. She is an expert in marine Sanitation...you can email her with questions too.


Good luck,
Ken Cave

Re: head troubles

Post by Ken Cave »

I was having some troubles with my WC head-and went to West Marine to purchase the kit only to find that the entire system was about $10.00 more!!

You might check the warehouses around your area and see if they are selling the complete system for around $100,00.

One thing I did find in the new directions was that they emphasize using head lube, and frequently!!

Sure beats working in the nasty stuff for hours trying to rebuild one!! A few bolts, two hoses, and you are done!

Ken Cave

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: head troubles

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Vincent,

I had the same trouble with a Grocco head that was only 1 year old. Turned out, there is a small lever arm in the upper pump assembly that had a hairline crack in it. The crack didn't allow the pump to relieve its' pressure and this "hydrolocked" the system. The crack wasn't visible from the outside, you had to disassemble the "flush/dry bowl" lever and remove the lever to see it. Grocco said that they had used the wrong type of plastic in the manufacture of the part! Once they sent me the part, it took about 10 minutes to replace it! That after I had taken the pump out three times, and checked all hoses from the head to the holding tank for a blockage-not fun as I am sure you are aware.

You might want to search the site on "head" and look up my last posting on this. By the way, Grocco said that they wouldn't warrant the part, because it was one year and two months old, but they sent me the part for free anyway!

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Ken Cave

Re: Avoiding future head problems

Post by Ken Cave »

Jusat a few comments on what we do up here in the San Juans and Gulf Islands-which makes for few repairs, smells, etc. etc. etc.

During the summer we encounter nasty stuff in the water, some green, sone not, and in the Gulf Islands, lots of huge jelly fish!!

Now this stuff is not nice when using it to flush out your head-so we bring a couple gallons of fresh water to flush, especially when doing the number one.

You do not get that green stuff clogging up the holes in the head, leaving the stuff to rot and cause ugly smells, you do not have the build up of salt in the needed components that make it work. And, a gallon will last two folks for at least four days!!

Works for us!!

Ken Cave
Cape Dory 28

Bruce Janssen

Re: head troubles

Post by Bruce Janssen »

Ken Cave wrote: I was having some troubles with my WC head-and went to West Marine to purchase the kit only to find that the entire system was about $10.00 more!!

You might check the warehouses around your area and see if they are selling the complete system for around $100,00.

One thing I did find in the new directions was that they emphasize using head lube, and frequently!!

Sure beats working in the nasty stuff for hours trying to rebuild one!! A few bolts, two hoses, and you are done!

Ken Cave
I replaced my head with a WC and have found that if the little lever is not all the way down (the last 1/16") it behaves as you say- perhaps your lever is bent or out of adjustment?

Jack Chamberlain

Re: head troubles

Post by Jack Chamberlain »

I had similar symptoms a while back; thought the head was shot, replaced it and had same problem (pump hard to push down, floats back up) Turned out it was a big clog at a T just before the holding tank. Cleaned it out and viola!!! Not a pleasant job, but all is well now.

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