Thank you all for some very kind comments. I am amazed at what you people know about me.
I don't hold it against you, Mr. Nuttall, but when the headlines scream "Shameless Self-Promotionalism" the impression readers get is one that sticks. I know you didn't mean it deliberately, but you hit a tender spot because I have deliberately avoided self-promotion all my working life. Or thought I had. A writer's reputation is very dear to him. It's not that I'm thin-skinned. I wrote a daily humor column for a major metropolitan newspaper for 20 years that often generated adverse comment (including death threats) from people with no sense of humor. But it was always honest and self-effacing, never self-promoting.
This is the best sailing board I have ever had the fortune to find, and there are many deeply knowledgeable contributors, so I shall continue to read it. But I hope you will understand that I would feel very uncomfortable about contributing any further, at least for a while.
John Vigor
Hull speed
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Dear Mr Vigor
I am sorry you feel this way.
My silly "headline" was nothing more than a tongue in cheek reply to your tongue in cheek broadside about my Lancshire ancestry. It was of course a set up, and I was fully expecting some playful banter in return. It's why I enjoy your posts. You will perhaps recall our humorous exchange a month or so back about the Greasers Peggy and the relative bearing grease ????
Not for a second didI think that a quick witted man thick skinned enough to be a Greasers Peggy on an English Merchant would take it any other way. And it was in that same playfull manner that I was pursuing this thread.
In fact, there is a certian irony in your mentioning your own book here. It isn't really self promotional ( like some of those posts from Newglass ) but rather a reference to a great resource. One I full intend to read. I have been trying to sort out this overhang/hull speed/waterline relationship and my only handy reference is not complete enough.
I think it would be best if I am the one to stop posting to this board, not you. Furthermore, for the sake of the other participants, I implore you to continue your contributions here.
Good Bye
My silly "headline" was nothing more than a tongue in cheek reply to your tongue in cheek broadside about my Lancshire ancestry. It was of course a set up, and I was fully expecting some playful banter in return. It's why I enjoy your posts. You will perhaps recall our humorous exchange a month or so back about the Greasers Peggy and the relative bearing grease ????
Not for a second didI think that a quick witted man thick skinned enough to be a Greasers Peggy on an English Merchant would take it any other way. And it was in that same playfull manner that I was pursuing this thread.
In fact, there is a certian irony in your mentioning your own book here. It isn't really self promotional ( like some of those posts from Newglass ) but rather a reference to a great resource. One I full intend to read. I have been trying to sort out this overhang/hull speed/waterline relationship and my only handy reference is not complete enough.
I think it would be best if I am the one to stop posting to this board, not you. Furthermore, for the sake of the other participants, I implore you to continue your contributions here.
Good Bye
Re: Nauti Captain John Vigor
When I see Nauti Captain John Vigor's name on a post I definately click on in anticipation of enlightment. Keith, s/v Witness, CD25-D.will parker wrote: I will "AMEN" that sentiment. I have read John Vigor's stuff for a long time and consider it a very valuable resource in my library. His experience is priceless and he has been willing to share it with us for nothing.
Stick around, John, we need your input!
John, hey wait a minute. Your contributions are highly valued. Don't let a little criticism (constructive or destructive) scare you off. The rest of us would like to hear (read) what you have to offer.
Catherine Monaghan wrote:
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
John Vigor wrote: Mr. Nuttall:
I am distressed that you regard my contribution as shameless self promotion. If that's the feeling, I shall bother this bulletin board no more.
John Vigor
CD25D "Jabula"
No need for anyone to leave!
I post to many boards like this for professional reasons. The one thing EVERYONE must realize is that posting to a board has 1 BIG drawback. The reader of a post does not have the ability to see the facial expression, the body language or hear the voice inflection of the writer as the communication, which face to face would be voice and sight, is made. So something said face to face that is OBVIOUSLY tongue in cheek, when posted to a board could be taken as dead serious. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!! Most times if I am writing something tongue in cheek I will say it like ....(tongue in cheek) so there is no misunderstanding of a statement that isn't obvious as written. I suggest, John, that you stay. We ALL benefit from the collective knowledge this board provides. (dead serious)!
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166 1980
I post to many boards like this for professional reasons. The one thing EVERYONE must realize is that posting to a board has 1 BIG drawback. The reader of a post does not have the ability to see the facial expression, the body language or hear the voice inflection of the writer as the communication, which face to face would be voice and sight, is made. So something said face to face that is OBVIOUSLY tongue in cheek, when posted to a board could be taken as dead serious. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!! Most times if I am writing something tongue in cheek I will say it like ....(tongue in cheek) so there is no misunderstanding of a statement that isn't obvious as written. I suggest, John, that you stay. We ALL benefit from the collective knowledge this board provides. (dead serious)!
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166 1980
Re: Dear Mr Vigor
John and John,
I second Warren's admonition that this is a case of misunderstanding and lack of seeing the others facial input.
John V., you are a valued contributor here, and you come with the authority gained from very broad experience. On top of that, you write well, and your opinions are interesting. We would like you to stick around and participate even more if you could.
John N., we all realize you did not mean anything negative by the remark about "..selfserving etc." Perhaps the words were unwise, or would have benefitted from a 'smiley' ( ;^) ) or something, but again in the total scheme of things, there was no malicious intent, and certainly no seriousness to your remark. I have also enjoyed reading your posts, and would miss your input.
So you two..neither of you should be considering leaving unless this is truly what you wish to do. If that is the case, nothing we say will change that feeling. But if you *do* find this place a pleasant stop during the day, an interesting and unique place to exchange ideas and to help out those with less experience, then let this pass, and then continue to participate in our little 'community' of Cape Dory sailors.
Both of you, hell all of us in fact need to fully appreciate what a unique gift this place is. For no money out of pocket, and for the little time it takes to type a question, or comment, you are connected to what, 700+ Cape Dory (mostly) owners around the world. The proceedings are generally friendly, non threatening, and done with no sarcasm or put downs, as will be found prevalent in, and it's spin-offs.
Finally, John Vigor..if you leave..I'll sick Karen Larson on yee..!
Hee, you would not want that, now would you?
Ok everyone..I'm out of here for three weeks of Lake Superior wilderness sailing...a long awaited and to some extent apprehensively approached endeavor that pushes our personal horizon out 2x from where it has been previously. I'm already not sleeping at all at night in anticipation and nervousness.
All that is left is to stuff 25 days worth of food and canned goods into a CD30. No problem, right? heh, I certainly hope so~!! I do know that this is the absolute maximum that our poor boat has ever been asked to carry along with us, and if she is still floating after we dump the load into her, we will be on the way.
I hope to see copious posts from both of you guys when I get back..
Cheers and Beers,
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~~We gone sailin' on Superior~~~!
I second Warren's admonition that this is a case of misunderstanding and lack of seeing the others facial input.
John V., you are a valued contributor here, and you come with the authority gained from very broad experience. On top of that, you write well, and your opinions are interesting. We would like you to stick around and participate even more if you could.
John N., we all realize you did not mean anything negative by the remark about "..selfserving etc." Perhaps the words were unwise, or would have benefitted from a 'smiley' ( ;^) ) or something, but again in the total scheme of things, there was no malicious intent, and certainly no seriousness to your remark. I have also enjoyed reading your posts, and would miss your input.
So you two..neither of you should be considering leaving unless this is truly what you wish to do. If that is the case, nothing we say will change that feeling. But if you *do* find this place a pleasant stop during the day, an interesting and unique place to exchange ideas and to help out those with less experience, then let this pass, and then continue to participate in our little 'community' of Cape Dory sailors.
Both of you, hell all of us in fact need to fully appreciate what a unique gift this place is. For no money out of pocket, and for the little time it takes to type a question, or comment, you are connected to what, 700+ Cape Dory (mostly) owners around the world. The proceedings are generally friendly, non threatening, and done with no sarcasm or put downs, as will be found prevalent in, and it's spin-offs.
Finally, John Vigor..if you leave..I'll sick Karen Larson on yee..!
Hee, you would not want that, now would you?
Ok everyone..I'm out of here for three weeks of Lake Superior wilderness sailing...a long awaited and to some extent apprehensively approached endeavor that pushes our personal horizon out 2x from where it has been previously. I'm already not sleeping at all at night in anticipation and nervousness.
All that is left is to stuff 25 days worth of food and canned goods into a CD30. No problem, right? heh, I certainly hope so~!! I do know that this is the absolute maximum that our poor boat has ever been asked to carry along with us, and if she is still floating after we dump the load into her, we will be on the way.
I hope to see copious posts from both of you guys when I get back..
Cheers and Beers,
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~~We gone sailin' on Superior~~~!
John Nuttall wrote: I am sorry you feel this way.
My silly "headline" was nothing more than a tongue in cheek reply to your tongue in cheek broadside about my Lancshire ancestry. It was of course a set up, and I was fully expecting some playful banter in return. It's why I enjoy your posts. You will perhaps recall our humorous exchange a month or so back about the Greasers Peggy and the relative bearing grease ????
Not for a second didI think that a quick witted man thick skinned enough to be a Greasers Peggy on an English Merchant would take it any other way. And it was in that same playfull manner that I was pursuing this thread.
In fact, there is a certian irony in your mentioning your own book here. It isn't really self promotional ( like some of those posts from Newglass ) but rather a reference to a great resource. One I full intend to read. I have been trying to sort out this overhang/hull speed/waterline relationship and my only handy reference is not complete enough.
I think it would be best if I am the one to stop posting to this board, not you. Furthermore, for the sake of the other participants, I implore you to continue your contributions here.
Good Bye
Re: Recommended reading
Promotion aside I would rather buy a book from it's author directly. Especially if he's willing to sign it. If this possible please E-mail me, John. Thankyou for your contributions to this BB.John Vigor wrote: You'll find my book, "The Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat" (International Marine) much easier to understand. Marchaj is highly technical, and not suitable for Lancashire lads.
John Vigor
CD25D "Jabula"