polyethylene tanks

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Will Parker

polyethylene tanks

Post by Will Parker »

I offer the following for general information. The fittings, pick-up hose and breather hose, cracked and came loose on one of my 30 gallon fresh water tanks. After being informed that there was no suitable repair, i.e. epoxy, 5200, etc. won't stick to polyethylene, I went on the internet to the 3M website and found that they have a product called "SCOTCH WELD" which they advertise will join polyethylene to dissimilar material such as nylon plumbing fittings. To make a long story short, IT WORKS.
The stuff ain't easy to obtain and has a very short pot life. You can't hand mix it, must use a gun. But it saves replacing your tanks. Hope this information is useful.
CD 30

will parker

Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by will parker »

Sorry! I forgot to give full nomenclature of the 3m product. It is described as: Scotch-Weld DP 8005. It is a "Structural Plastic Adhesive". A two-part acrylic based adhesive that can bond "low surface energy plastics, including Polyethylene . . . without special surface preparation". It has an "ability to bond dissimilar substrates". Worklife is only 3 minutes and it takes 8-24 hours to cure. I used regular nylon plumbing fittings from West Marine to replace old polyethylene fittings on my polyethylene water tank.
Hope this helps.
CD 30c

I offer the following for general information. The fittings, pick-up hose and breather hose, cracked and came loose on one of my 30 gallon fresh water tanks. After being informed that there was no suitable repair, i.e. epoxy, 5200, etc. won't stick to polyethylene, I went on the internet to the 3M website and found that they have a product called "SCOTCH WELD" which they advertise will join polyethylene to dissimilar material such as nylon plumbing fittings. To make a long story short, IT WORKS.
Will Parker wrote: The stuff ain't easy to obtain and has a very short pot life. You can't hand mix it, must use a gun. But it saves replacing your tanks. Hope this information is useful.
CD 30


Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by Ron »

Can you tell us where you found the adhesive. I've had no luck finding someone to sell it to me, so far.

I have a leaking fresh water tank that I would love to repair.

S/V Audacity
will parker wrote: Sorry! I forgot to give full nomenclature of the 3m product. It is described as: Scotch-Weld DP 8005. It is a "Structural Plastic Adhesive". A two-part acrylic based adhesive that can bond "low surface energy plastics, including Polyethylene . . . without special surface preparation". It has an "ability to bond dissimilar substrates". Worklife is only 3 minutes and it takes 8-24 hours to cure. I used regular nylon plumbing fittings from West Marine to replace old polyethylene fittings on my polyethylene water tank.
Hope this helps.
CD 30c

I offer the following for general information. The fittings, pick-up hose and breather hose, cracked and came loose on one of my 30 gallon fresh water tanks. After being informed that there was no suitable repair, i.e. epoxy, 5200, etc. won't stick to polyethylene, I went on the internet to the 3M website and found that they have a product called "SCOTCH WELD" which they advertise will join polyethylene to dissimilar material such as nylon plumbing fittings. To make a long story short, IT WORKS.
Will Parker wrote: The stuff ain't easy to obtain and has a very short pot life. You can't hand mix it, must use a gun. But it saves replacing your tanks. Hope this information is useful.
CD 30

Duncan Maio

Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by Duncan Maio »

Ron wrote: Can you tell us where you found the adhesive. I've had no luck finding someone to sell it to me, so far.

I have a leaking fresh water tank that I would love to repair.
Try this site. You probably need a Duo-Pak gun and mixing tips in addition to the cartridge.

I don't know these guys, but you can order from the website.

will parker

Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by will parker »

I called 3M to get the names of local dealers or distributors who could sell it. I ended up getting a "sample" from a 3M sales representative in Florida. Actually, the guy who does most of the work on my boat (work that I don't do) made the contact and obtained the stuff. He also got the applicator gun and applied it.
You might approach your local boat yard and get them to get the stuff in bulk and keep it on hand. It would be worth paying a premium for e small amount if it avoided the necessity of replacing your tanks.
Good luck.

Ron wrote: Can you tell us where you found the adhesive. I've had no luck finding someone to sell it to me, so far.

I have a leaking fresh water tank that I would love to repair.

S/V Audacity
will parker wrote: Sorry! I forgot to give full nomenclature of the 3m product. It is described as: Scotch-Weld DP 8005. It is a "Structural Plastic Adhesive". A two-part acrylic based adhesive that can bond "low surface energy plastics, including Polyethylene . . . without special surface preparation". It has an "ability to bond dissimilar substrates". Worklife is only 3 minutes and it takes 8-24 hours to cure. I used regular nylon plumbing fittings from West Marine to replace old polyethylene fittings on my polyethylene water tank.
Hope this helps.
CD 30c

I offer the following for general information. The fittings, pick-up hose and breather hose, cracked and came loose on one of my 30 gallon fresh water tanks. After being informed that there was no suitable repair, i.e. epoxy, 5200, etc. won't stick to polyethylene, I went on the internet to the 3M website and found that they have a product called "SCOTCH WELD" which they advertise will join polyethylene to dissimilar material such as nylon plumbing fittings. To make a long story short, IT WORKS.
Will Parker wrote: The stuff ain't easy to obtain and has a very short pot life. You can't hand mix it, must use a gun. But it saves replacing your tanks. Hope this information is useful.
CD 30


Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by Ron »

I think we'll all have to go the sample route if we can find someone friendly in the business. I found a site online that listed the product, so I placed an order. I got a call from the company asking if I wanted that quantity of one in the 55 galon drum size. And did I realize that for every one 55 gallon drum of activator, I needed six 55 gallon drums of base?

Now, if I didn't need that much, they did have the new small one-gallon size, so I'd only have to buy 7 gallons total of product. But even then, did I realize how expensive this stuff was?

I explained that this was much more than I needed for my application and please cancel my order. My credit card and I hope that a truck doesn't pull up in the next few days and start rolling big drums down the driveway.


will parker wrote: Ron,
I called 3M to get the names of local dealers or distributors who could sell it. I ended up getting a "sample" from a 3M sales representative in Florida. Actually, the guy who does most of the work on my boat (work that I don't do) made the contact and obtained the stuff. He also got the applicator gun and applied it.
You might approach your local boat yard and get them to get the stuff in bulk and keep it on hand. It would be worth paying a premium for e small amount if it avoided the necessity of replacing your tanks.
Good luck.

Ron wrote: Can you tell us where you found the adhesive. I've had no luck finding someone to sell it to me, so far.

I have a leaking fresh water tank that I would love to repair.

S/V Audacity
will parker wrote: Sorry! I forgot to give full nomenclature of the 3m product. It is described as: Scotch-Weld DP 8005. It is a "Structural Plastic Adhesive". A two-part acrylic based adhesive that can bond "low surface energy plastics, including Polyethylene . . . without special surface preparation". It has an "ability to bond dissimilar substrates". Worklife is only 3 minutes and it takes 8-24 hours to cure. I used regular nylon plumbing fittings from West Marine to replace old polyethylene fittings on my polyethylene water tank.
Hope this helps.
CD 30c

I offer the following for general information. The fittings, pick-up hose and breather hose, cracked and came loose on one of my 30 gallon fresh water tanks. After being informed that there was no suitable repair, i.e. epoxy, 5200, etc. won't stick to polyethylene, I went on the internet to the 3M website and found that they have a product called "SCOTCH WELD" which they advertise will join polyethylene to dissimilar material such as nylon plumbing fittings. To make a long story short, IT WORKS.
will parker

Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by will parker »

The sample I saw was in a tube about the size of a tube of "Boatlife" caulk. Only it was a double tube containing bothe the resin and the activator in seperate halves. The tube was made to fit tthe gun and the gun was set for the 10 to 1 ratio required. The gun had tow curley-que tubes for mixing the stuff in the proper ratio. Call 3M, explain your problem and see if they can help.
Good Luck!
Ron wrote: I think we'll all have to go the sample route if we can find someone friendly in the business. I found a site online that listed the product, so I placed an order. I got a call from the company asking if I wanted that quantity of one in the 55 galon drum size. And did I realize that for every one 55 gallon drum of activator, I needed six 55 gallon drums of base?

Now, if I didn't need that much, they did have the new small one-gallon size, so I'd only have to buy 7 gallons total of product. But even then, did I realize how expensive this stuff was?

I explained that this was much more than I needed for my application and please cancel my order. My credit card and I hope that a truck doesn't pull up in the next few days and start rolling big drums down the driveway.


will parker wrote: Ron,
I called 3M to get the names of local dealers or distributors who could sell it. I ended up getting a "sample" from a 3M sales representative in Florida. Actually, the guy who does most of the work on my boat (work that I don't do) made the contact and obtained the stuff. He also got the applicator gun and applied it.
You might approach your local boat yard and get them to get the stuff in bulk and keep it on hand. It would be worth paying a premium for e small amount if it avoided the necessity of replacing your tanks.
Good luck.

Ron wrote: Can you tell us where you found the adhesive. I've had no luck finding someone to sell it to me, so far.

I have a leaking fresh water tank that I would love to repair.

S/V Audacity

John R.

Good post !

Post by John R. »

Duncan Maio wrote:
Ron wrote: Can you tell us where you found the adhesive. I've had no luck finding someone to sell it to me, so far.

I have a leaking fresh water tank that I would love to repair.
Try this site. You probably need a Duo-Pak gun and mixing tips in addition to the cartridge.

I don't know these guys, but you can order from the website.
That's a good lead for industrial adhesives, thanks!
Will Parker

Re: polyethylene tanks-more info!

Post by Will Parker »

WOW! This is it! They carry the same stuff I used, the DP8005. And it it is available in reasonable quantities. And they sell the applicator gun. Everyone should bookmark this site.
Thanks Duncan on behalf of everyone with a polyethylene tank.

I also recommend you print up a technical data sheet on DP 8005 from the 3m web page. It is identified there as a "structural Plastice Adhesive".

Duncan Maio wrote: Try this site. You probably need a Duo-Pak gun and mixing tips in addition to the cartridge.

I don't know these guys, but you can order from the website.

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