Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

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Andy Shor

Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Andy Shor »

Good Day:

I currently run my working jib sheets to the track at the hull/deck joint, then to the winch and cleat. The problem is that when I trim the sail the bottom flattens out way before the top of the sail and I get quite a curve that results in luffing at the head all the time. The boat then doesn't point well.

Should I be using the track and fairlead on the cabin top? If that is proper how do the sheets run, inside the shrouds? Seems funny.

Thanks, Andy

Don Carr

Re: Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Don Carr »


The tracks you are using are meant for a genoa of over 100%. What you are experiencing is a dramatic example of a depowered sail, since the clew of the working jib is at or forward of the mast. Yes, you should run the sheets inside the shrouds through the fairleads mounted on the trunk. I think you will see a dramatic inprovment in two areas: first boat speed and second pointing ability.

Hope this helps.


Re: Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Harvey »

Andy Shor wrote: Good Day:

I currently run my working jib sheets to the track at the hull/deck joint, then to the winch and cleat. The problem is that when I trim the sail the bottom flattens out way before the top of the sail and I get quite a curve that results in luffing at the head all the time. The boat then doesn't point well.

Should I be using the track and fairlead on the cabin top? If that is proper how do the sheets run, inside the shrouds? Seems funny.

Thanks, Andy
Your working jib sheets should go to the top of the cabin trunk. I have added cam cleats behind the fairleads for the sheets. This has proved very helpful for single or shorthanded sailing.

Andy Shor

Re: Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Andy Shor »

Good Day and thanks to all for the info! Would one take the leads through the fairleads and then to the winch and cleat? And on a reach doesn't the sheet foul on the shrouds?

Best, Andy

Mike Wainfeld

Re: Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Yes. No. Have fun!


Re: Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Harvey »

Andy Shor wrote: Good Day and thanks to all for the info! Would one take the leads through the fairleads and then to the winch and cleat? And on a reach doesn't the sheet foul on the shrouds?

Best, Andy
Andy, you won't need the winches for the working jib. Through the faileads and onto the cleat or you might want to try cam cleats. Very handy.

Andy Shor

Re: Typhoon working jib sheets correct??

Post by Andy Shor »

Thanks again. This should help tame the beast!

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