I have had two failures in my 2000+ on my CD27. The last one occured when I thought the boat was well ballanced and had been sailing along on a broad reach for about two + hours. My boat develops a lot of weather helm if not ballanced but I had one reef in and the head sail shortend up, Anyone with any experience with this type of problem? I have sent the unit to Raytheon for repair and will talk to the tech to see if they can give me any insight as well. Thanks.
Autohelm 2000+ Tiller Pilot & CD 27
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Autohelm 2000+ Tiller Pilot & CD 27
I am surprised that you can keep your boat on course for so long-as the Autohelm (and others for that matter) do not like to work on a following sea. The problem is that they oversteer-then try to over correct!! I have the 2000ST, as well as a 1000ST on a Catalina 25-and they both do the same thing!
Hope this helps
Ken Cave
Hope this helps
Ken Cave