Macht Nichts...continues to sail on.....

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Michael Heintz

Macht Nichts...continues to sail on.....

Post by Michael Heintz »

Great Rendezvous!!!!!!

Hope you have all dried off, next year we are considering a water cannon :-)

Still sailing along, left Block to come North to the Cape, have had graet sailing weather, and great sails. Woods Hole to Nantucket in 4hours 13 mins AVERAGE spped 7.5 knts GPS spiked a reading of 10.5, must have been at peak current,riding down a 6 foot roller anyway it was a blast.

Been sailing all around Cape Cod, heading south today, will sail solo for another week or so. Hope to run into some of you on the way South!!!

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: BLOODY rubber ballons STUCK to deck...

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Heintz,

Received your last this instant, sounds like you all had a great time. Hanalei will probably be at Napatree this Saturday and Sunday. Gotta go to the beach! It's too HOT on land!

Water Cannon, I'll give ya a water cannon! I'm still trying to figure what to use to get all those rubber ballon carcuses off of my decks! Looks as if there were a really WEIRD party going on up there!

Hey, how did you get on the internet? Do you have a computer on board? Anyhow, good to hear from you, safe sail back home....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Joel Silverberg, Baraka

Re: Macht Nichts... how SLOW a boat is it?

Post by Joel Silverberg, Baraka »

Mike, with an AVERAGE speed of 7.5 knots with a peak of 10.5, you might have a "tiny bit" of difficulty convincing next year's race committee how the CD 30 Mk II is a really, really slow boat ... big beam and all ... needs a much higher handicap ... maybe like that of a CD 25. Apparently it is not such a slow boat as all that with Captain Heintz at the helm ! :>) Have a great and safe sail back.
Michael Heintz wrote: Still sailing along, left Block to come North to the Cape, have had graet sailing weather, and great sails. Woods Hole to Nantucket in 4hours 13 mins AVERAGE spped 7.5 knts GPS spiked a reading of 10.5, must have been at peak current,riding down a 6 foot roller anyway it was a blast.

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
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