How do I know if my Typhoon shrouds are too loose or tight. How do you correct the tension so it is the same on both sides? Also my mast doesn't seem to be straight as compared to other boats in the marina. It tips backwards. But what is straight? My 3.5 motor weights down the stern. How do I know the mast is upright when I don't have a level surface to begin with. Thanks
shroud tension
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: shroud tension
there should be a guide in the ownners manualCheryl wrote: How do I know if my Typhoon shrouds are too loose or tight. How do you correct the tension so it is the same on both sides? Also my mast doesn't seem to be straight as compared to other boats in the marina. It tips backwards. But what is straight? My 3.5 motor weights down the stern. How do I know the mast is upright when I don't have a level surface to begin with. Thanks
without that if yuou pick up any good sailing book it will tell you how to tension them
the rake of the mast can be set once the boat is level on the waterline you can do this by moving weight around the boat and then setting the forestay lenght to proper rake.
do not over tension the side stays,!!! as a guide they should feel snug but not bar tight
generally speaking you are ok if you sight up the mast and see no bend laterally when in about 10 kts of wind under sail use the luff groove as a guide to look up the mast.
as a guide the boom should be moreore less parallel to the deck under medium wind beating at about 10 knots.
there are loos gauges that give you exact tension but the manual is the best, standard guidlines are second( what I have givewn you )
good luck sorry for the spelling
Re: shroud tension
>>How do I know if my Typhoon shrouds are too loose or tight. How do you correct the tension so it is the same on both sides?<<
First, check that the mast is straight. You can do this by adjusting the main halyard so that it just reaches the port side rail, then checking that it reaches the same on the stbd side.
Set the halyard tension snug but less than bar tight and go sailing. On a port tack, see if the stbd shrouds go slack and vice versa. If the leeward side goes slack, the windward side needs to be tightened.
>>Also my mast doesn't seem to be straight as compared to other boats in the marina. It tips backwards.<<
They're all designed differently, so there's no easy comparison. Mast rake affects weather helm by moving the center of effort. Pull the mast back and you get more weather helm... move it forward and you get less. See how the boat balances under sail. Once you're set up, you can increase mast rake by tightening the backstay.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
First, check that the mast is straight. You can do this by adjusting the main halyard so that it just reaches the port side rail, then checking that it reaches the same on the stbd side.
Set the halyard tension snug but less than bar tight and go sailing. On a port tack, see if the stbd shrouds go slack and vice versa. If the leeward side goes slack, the windward side needs to be tightened.
>>Also my mast doesn't seem to be straight as compared to other boats in the marina. It tips backwards.<<
They're all designed differently, so there's no easy comparison. Mast rake affects weather helm by moving the center of effort. Pull the mast back and you get more weather helm... move it forward and you get less. See how the boat balances under sail. Once you're set up, you can increase mast rake by tightening the backstay.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Re: shroud tension
the mast should have some rake aft compared to other boats with straight standing masts. the weight of the motor may bring the stern down a little and increase the apparent rake when the boat is at rest at the dock. however, once you get moving the motor weight will become less of a factor.
the shrouds should be tensioned evenly, but be careful not to overtighten or you may cave-in the cabin roof unless you have a compression post inside.
check older posts regarding shroud tension.
the shrouds should be tensioned evenly, but be careful not to overtighten or you may cave-in the cabin roof unless you have a compression post inside.
check older posts regarding shroud tension.
Cheryl wrote: How do I know if my Typhoon shrouds are too loose or tight. How do you correct the tension so it is the same on both sides? Also my mast doesn't seem to be straight as compared to other boats in the marina. It tips backwards. But what is straight? My 3.5 motor weights down the stern. How do I know the mast is upright when I don't have a level surface to begin with. Thanks