Cape Dory 28 inquiry

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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susan tuttle

Cape Dory 28 inquiry

Post by susan tuttle »

I am considering purchasing a Cape Dory 28 sailboat and wonder about the following:
1. Sailing characteristics in general for bluewater.
2. Any weatherhelm problems?
3. Does the 28 trim well?
Thanks to all who take time to answer this inquiry.
Joe Sankey

Re: Cape Dory 28 inquiry

Post by Joe Sankey »

The 28 is, IMHO, a great boat. We never did bluewater sailing, but our boat regularly cruised the Bahamas from Floriday prior to our ownership. It can have a little weather helm in higher windspeeds. Care in mast rake (none needed) along with reefing and sail trim can keep it reasonable. We ownd it four years and really like it.
I believe key changes were: 1979 saw teak and holly sole and teak interior; 1981 saw change in head and galley layout to what you see in brochures on web site; 1983/84 brought the Universal M18 (14HP) to replace the Volvo, along with portlights with drip grooves and midship springline cleats in the toerail.
email me if I can be of further assistance.
susan tuttle wrote: I am considering purchasing a Cape Dory 28 sailboat and wonder about the following:
1. Sailing characteristics in general for bluewater.
2. Any weatherhelm problems?
3. Does the 28 trim well?
Thanks to all who take time to answer this inquiry.
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