CD30 Cutter - Shorter Boom- The Deed is Done!

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Chris Schnell

CD30 Cutter - Shorter Boom- The Deed is Done!

Post by Chris Schnell »

Fellow Seaman....The Deed is Done and MADNESS III's Boom is 8" shorter! And I Love It! The whole job took about 1 1/2 hours from laying the cut line w/tape to raising the topping lift back to her normal resting place. Not only will I never have my nose brushed again, but the clear transition piece between the new dodger and bimini will have plenty of room and give me a great view. I still have about 8" of boom left w/the clew fully outhauled! Seriously speaking, I had back surgery 2 years ago so being able to stand fully upright (as apposed to leaning back to avoid it)is a must! Actually, I'm just happy to be back on the water if the truth be known! Having recently installed a Dutchman in my main I easily then took her out for my first single-handed sail and she handled beautifully under main and staysail. A most pleasant way to sail by yourself....very peaceful and not much work involved. If anyone is considering tackling this, it's really simple....just paying attention to tolerances for the cut and screw holes for the cap. Ranks right up there with autopilot as smart moves for me.

Full Sail & Calm Seas

Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III CD30 #235
Southport, NC
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