seek recommendation of good diesel mechanic in RI/MA

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Joel Silverberg

seek recommendation of good diesel mechanic in RI/MA

Post by Joel Silverberg »

I'd like to have the diesel on my CD-27 ( Yanmar YSB-8 ) given a good checkout by a competant diesel mechanic. Can any readers out there recommend an really good shop or person in the Narragansett Bay (RI and Southeast Mass) area ? Thanks.

Re: seek recommendation of good diesel mechanic in RI/MA

Post by len »


concordia in dartmouth mass (padanarum) had an excellent diesel mechanic a couple of years ago -

Lyle Lunson

Re: seek recommendation of good diesel mechanic in RI/MA

Post by Lyle Lunson »

Oldport Marine in Newport is the best in the bay.

Lyle Lunson

Joel Silverberg wrote: I'd like to have the diesel on my CD-27 ( Yanmar YSB-8 ) given a good checkout by a competant diesel mechanic. Can any readers out there recommend an really good shop or person in the Narragansett Bay (RI and Southeast Mass) area ? Thanks.
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