CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- FYI Followup

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Chris Schnell

CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- FYI Followup

Post by Chris Schnell »

I wish to thank all of you for your observations, opinions, and experiences. I did as suggested and consulted Bruce Mareck, America's Cup designer that happens to work here in the Southport area. He said that if I can fully extend the sail w/the outhaul, there's no chafe from the topping lift, and the end plate is easily reinstalled, that he saw no reason not to cut off the end as suits me. I could even do more if I wanted to reduce the sail area with a new sail in case I needed to improve balance. So gentlemen say your prayers for the old swabbie as I'm going to do it this weekend, weather permitting.
Full Sails & Calm Seas

Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III CD30 #235
Southport, NC
John R.

Re: CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- FYI Followup

Post by John R. »

Chris Schnell wrote: I wish to thank all of you for your observations, opinions, and experiences. I did as suggested and consulted Bruce Mareck, America's Cup designer that happens to work here in the Southport area. He said that if I can fully extend the sail w/the outhaul, there's no chafe from the topping lift, and the end plate is easily reinstalled, that he saw no reason not to cut off the end as suits me. I could even do more if I wanted to reduce the sail area with a new sail in case I needed to improve balance. So gentlemen say your prayers for the old swabbie as I'm going to do it this weekend, weather permitting.
Full Sails & Calm Seas

Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III CD30 #235
Southport, NC
Hail to thy hacksaw...................take a deep breath and......cut it twice and it's still too short!
Don Carr

When Bruce Marek speaks...sailors listen

Post by Don Carr »

Bruce knows what he's talking about. IMHO.

Re: CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- Bimini followup

Post by J.Adams »

In consultation with a local canvas shop I designed a two part bimini that allows full headroom for the helmsman and one can leave the boom as is...this consists of a bimini from the companionway back to the pedestal that fits under the boom and another from pedestal to stern that can be as high as you need it. I'm putting a zip-on/zip-off section of clear plastic between the two for nasty weather. This is going to cost me a bundle as there will be two frames but she's worth it. Haven't had it made yet but it should work well for all of us taller than the 5'2" Cape Dory designers. This will, of course, be in Sunbrella 'Brass' which is the perfect color for a CD.
Ken Coit

Re: CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- Bimini followup

Post by Ken Coit »


Now that is a thought. Maybe Parfait has an extra long boom, but I don't think stairstepping would be much help by itself as the boom sweeps at least as far back as the wheel and at about head level for a shrinking 6 footer. Now if I cut the end off the boom, add a bimini reef, and also stairstep the bimini, I might have a solution that is less expensive than a CD/40. All this for pleasurable sailing in the shade on those UV 10 days!

How about a footwell behind the pedestal? A curved seat in teak with storage under for the skipper's favorite things? Combined with a bimini reef, that might work and be more durable than the stepped bimini.

I hope to get there tomorrow, but has anyone seen my boat lately?

CD/36 S/V Parfait
Raleigh, NC

J.Adams wrote: In consultation with a local canvas shop I designed a two part bimini that allows full headroom for the helmsman and one can leave the boom as is...this consists of a bimini from the companionway back to the pedestal that fits under the boom and another from pedestal to stern that can be as high as you need it. I'm putting a zip-on/zip-off section of clear plastic between the two for nasty weather. This is going to cost me a bundle as there will be two frames but she's worth it. Haven't had it made yet but it should work well for all of us taller than the 5'2" Cape Dory designers. This will, of course, be in Sunbrella 'Brass' which is the perfect color for a CD.
Jeff Funston

Re: CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- Bimini followup

Post by Jeff Funston »

I think I saw your boat sailing down the ICW by itself last weekend, she had a big smile on her face and when I asked where she was going she said don't worry I'll be back before Ken knows I'm gone!
James Adams

Re: CD30 Cutter - Shortening the Boom- Bimini followup

Post by James Adams »

Perhaps mine has been modified by a previous owner. The end of the boom is right at the pedestal/wheel on my 1981 CD30

split bimini

Post by russell »

please post a picture when complete. my bimini goes from covering the companionway to just before the wheel (cd27). while at the wheel, you are totally exposed. the traveller is behind the helmsman. i'm looking for ideas as in florida, shade becomes life-saving, literally.

what is a bimini reef?

Post by russell »

looking for a solution because the traveller is behind the wheel and the bimini ends just forward of the wheel.
Ken Coit

Re: what is a bimini reef?

Post by Ken Coit »


The bimini reef was described by Joe Sankey some time ago. It allows the boom to clear the bimini while under sail by raising the aft end of the boom a bit. It would seem to be an inexpensive way to gain some head room as well even though it undoubtedly messes up the sail a bit.

I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to experiment with it somewhere down the road.

CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC
russell wrote: looking for a solution because the traveller is behind the wheel and the bimini ends just forward of the wheel.
Chris Schnell

Re: what is a bimini reef?

Post by Chris Schnell »

My traveller is mounted just forward of the companionway hatch so I don't have that problem to deal with. I have an old dodger installed right now that I'll be replacing and will be raising it up almost a foot to get this big frame down below a little easier. My intent is to shorten the boom, raise the dodger to 6" below the boom under normal sail conditions and run that back to the end of the boom. The bimini will start just behind the boom (in front of my head and the pedestal) and go full aft with a velcro seam (or flapped zipper) for the backstay. Then I will have a zip in clear full width window that transitions from the dodger to the bimimi. Next year (budget) we will complete the enclosure by having the clear side made (with the dodger & bimini already having the zips in). It will be a few months before it's all done, but once we do I'll post some pictures.
Full Sails & Calm Seas

Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III CD30 #235
SOuthport, NC
John Nuttall

Bimini reefs and Sleds.....

Post by John Nuttall »

This brings up an interesting point....

Some folks choose to raise the boom to gain headroom. This would result in raising the center of effort. significantly?, I dunno but going in the wrong direction.

Now we are talking about raising only the aft end of the boom. This would loosen the leach, causing attendant problems.

Now what would happen if we then had the sail recut along the foot, so that the boom would angle upward, a la the 60 foot sleds raced in the Vende Globe ????

Gain headroom, remove non power generating portion of the sail, ce stays put, CD looks silly.....

Andy Denmark

Re: Bimini reefs and Sleds.....

Post by Andy Denmark »

Hi John,

Actually, appearance after raising the after end of the boom is barely noticeable. Mark and I did this on a regular basis without anyone the wiser. Doesn't affect sailing and provides sufficient clearance for the bimini. It's the easiest and cheapest alternative, by far.

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
Oriental, NC
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