My Typhoon will FINALLY be here tomarrow, And I am itching to get started on it... A quick question about the keel- Was the Bronze fitting (Gudgeon) glassed into the keel orriginally?? There have been a number of repairs done on the boat in this area, so I cant tell how things should be here for sure... The picture shows how it looks now, the bronze fitting is exposed. Should it be 'glassed in??
BTW- If anyone is interested, you will be able to follow the refit of TY #1312 at the following URL:
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Typhoon Keel Question...
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Typhoon Keel Question...
The bronze fitting on my 1971 Ty is not glassed in. It is just covered with bottom paint. I have not had any repair work done on mine in this area and there doesn't appear to be any problem at this time.Andrew wrote: My Typhoon will FINALLY be here tomarrow, And I am itching to get started on it... A quick question about the keel- Was the Bronze fitting (Gudgeon) glassed into the keel orriginally?? There have been a number of repairs done on the boat in this area, so I cant tell how things should be here for sure... The picture shows how it looks now, the bronze fitting is exposed. Should it be 'glassed in??
BTW- If anyone is interested, you will be able to follow the refit of TY #1312 at the following URL:
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Re: Typhoon Keel Question...
'76's and newer were definitely glassed-in. that bottom fitting on my '76 is a shoe into which the end of the rudder post fits. the top of the post passes thru a tube into the cockpit and connects to a tiller fitting. the tube is glassed to the inside of the hull and can be seen by crawling aft in one of the quarterberths.
Andrew wrote: My Typhoon will FINALLY be here tomarrow, And I am itching to get started on it... A quick question about the keel- Was the Bronze fitting (Gudgeon) glassed into the keel orriginally?? There have been a number of repairs done on the boat in this area, so I cant tell how things should be here for sure... The picture shows how it looks now, the bronze fitting is exposed. Should it be 'glassed in??
BTW- If anyone is interested, you will be able to follow the refit of TY #1312 at the following URL:
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Re: Typhoon Keel Question...
The fiberglass which covered the bottom rudder gudgeon was peeling away on my boat (Typhoon). I used a sander to expose the fitting and re glassed. After all that, it became apparent to me that doing so was un-necessary because the covering of glass seemed to be superficial, i.e. the fitting has pins which hold it to the hull very securely and the glass which covers the fitting blends it into the keel shape.
Had i to do it again, i would wire brush any glass to fitting areas and fill with a polysulfide compound.
A technical point to keep in mind is that all metals oxidize and since a portion of the rudder fitting must be left exposed, the oxidation will always continue to delaminate any glass which covers it.
Good luck & happy sailing.
Bob Bernier
s/v "Belle Therese"
Fairhaven, MA
The fiberglass which covered the bottom rudder gudgeon was peeling away on my boat (Typhoon). I used a sander to expose the fitting and re glassed. After all that, it became apparent to me that doing so was un-necessary because the covering of glass seemed to be superficial, i.e. the fitting has pins which hold it to the hull very securely and the glass which covers the fitting blends it into the keel shape.
Had i to do it again, i would wire brush any glass to fitting areas and fill with a polysulfide compound.
A technical point to keep in mind is that all metals oxidize and since a portion of the rudder fitting must be left exposed, the oxidation will always continue to delaminate any glass which covers it.
Good luck & happy sailing.
Bob Bernier
s/v "Belle Therese"
Fairhaven, MA