Cape dory typhoon; sailcover?

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Cape dory typhoon; sailcover?

Post by arnie »

<> offers a mainsail cover kit.($109)
Q1: Is this the way to go?

Q2: What is suggested for a jibsail cover? Does anyone know of a pattern so that I can make my own?

Re: Cape dory typhoon; sailcover?

Post by sloopjohnl »

just had a new mainsail cover made this spring. cost me $170.00.
i guess the savings would be in how much you value your time.

<> offers a mainsail cover kit.($109)
arnie wrote: Q1: Is this the way to go?

Q2: What is suggested for a jibsail cover? Does anyone know of a pattern so that I can make my own?

Re: Cape dory typhoon; sailcover?

Post by Joel »

I'm having a mainsail cover made by a local canvas seamstress for $115 based on my measurements. She mostly does covers for powerboats but has done sailcovers before. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
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