Universal 25 overheating

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David Brownlee

Universal 25 overheating

Post by David Brownlee »

Thanks for all of the welcome advice, especially to those who pointed us in the direction of replacing the original heat exchanger on our Universal 25 with the larger unit recommended in Westerbeke service bulletin no. 195 (5 August 1991, revised January 1992). After checking all the other possible problems, we're going that route.

Ann and David Brownlee
CD31 #1 Windrush
Havre de Grace, MD

Jack Chamberlain

Re: Universal 25 overheating

Post by Jack Chamberlain »

Once my Universal 25 overheated just after leaving the yard after spring commissioning. It turned out to be air lock because the overflow freshwater engine cooling tank was empty. Yard didn't fill and I didn't check. My friend and mechanic told me to bleed the block and never let the tank fall below about half full. No problems since.

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