boat pics

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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boat pics

Post by JSS »

Does anyone know the correct URL of a business that takes photos of boats from the air and then has a web presence that allows you to order a photo they may have taken of your boat under sail ??

I thought I overheard that one such overflew the Northeast fleet Cape Dory rendezvous, but did not catch the name of the company.
David Sabourin

Re: boat pics

Post by David Sabourin »

One company that does it is They had a helo flying over Chesapeake Bay a couple of seasons ago and shot some pix of us under sail. We contacted them thru a telephone number on the helo and about two months later I had some great pix. Not ceap tho.

Paula and Frank Shea

Re: boat pics

Post by Paula and Frank Shea »

We also saw in Narragansett Bay during the 4th of July week. They took a shot of our CD 28' Flybridge - but want $100 per 8x10 photo. Can be reach at 1-800-BOATPIX.
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