LARGE Cape Dory fleet spotted.....

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Nautical Traditions Offic

LARGE Cape Dory fleet spotted.....

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Ahoy, to all Captains Commanding,

A large fleet of Cape Dory cutters, ketches, and sloops with a couple of auxillary power boats has been spotted entering Shelter Island Harbor, NY. All Captains Commanding are required and commanded to keep an eye on this fleet of vagabond cruisers. There may be instances of wild and crazy behavior as the Captains and crews of these vessels commence "Skylarking" in the anchorage of Shelter Island Harbor.

A report has been received from the Admiraltys' agent(a Doctor Steven Maturin) that it is a distinct possibility that the crews have broken into the various vessels spirit lockers during the storm at sea this last night removed. It is advised that these vessels be approached with all due caution, "Battle Stations" and "Cleared for Action" are recommended. Also, Captains Commanding may wish to load and run out all cannon both Port and Starboard. If at all possible, rake the vessels fore and aft with a full broadside on approach(grape is recommended). Assure that the vessels "Strike" with the smallest amount of damage. However, under no circumstances will these vessels be sunk, capture as prizes is a necessity, as the grog they carry will be put to good use by the various crews assembling tomorrow night at the Napatree anchorage in Rhode Island.

Also, your attention is commanded to be on the lookout for a certain CD-32 with tanbark sails. It is understood from our agents that this vessel(it may be named "Realization")could be conveying an agent of the CDSOA flag, ie. a certain Captain Monaghan! If at all possible, this Captain is to be captured and escorted to Napatree and ultimatley to Block Island for Court Martial, for behavior above and beyond the call of duty, before the fleet there-in assembled.

Your compliance to these orders is expected and commanded...your most humble servant...

David Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Catherine Monaghan

Re: LARGE Cape Dory fleet spotted.....

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Dave, you've done it to me again. You've got me laughing out loud at my desk while at work. Cut it out, you're gonna get me fired.

Anyway, a certain CD32 managed to sail into the Napatree anchorage and make it to Block Island avoiding capture and court martial. Many ships were engaged in a tacking duel. Realization managed to avoid a collision with Adamarie and Layla was unsuccessful at driving Realization up on a reef on two separate occasions. Were nearly broadsided by the hessian ship Machts Nichts near the Stonington breakwaters. Adamarie received a direct hit from Machts Nichts and responded with grape -- Machts Nichts also receiving a direct hit. No ships were lost.

Realization managed to capture a red flag. Let me know who I should return it to.

CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Ahoy, to all Captains Commanding,

A large fleet of Cape Dory cutters, ketches, and sloops with a couple of auxillary power boats has been spotted entering Shelter Island Harbor, NY. All Captains Commanding are required and commanded to keep an eye on this fleet of vagabond cruisers. There may be instances of wild and crazy behavior as the Captains and crews of these vessels commence "Skylarking" in the anchorage of Shelter Island Harbor.

A report has been received from the Admiraltys' agent(a Doctor Steven Maturin) that it is a distinct possibility that the crews have broken into the various vessels spirit lockers during the storm at sea this last night removed. It is advised that these vessels be approached with all due caution, "Battle Stations" and "Cleared for Action" are recommended. Also, Captains Commanding may wish to load and run out all cannon both Port and Starboard. If at all possible, rake the vessels fore and aft with a full broadside on approach(grape is recommended). Assure that the vessels "Strike" with the smallest amount of damage. However, under no circumstances will these vessels be sunk, capture as prizes is a necessity, as the grog they carry will be put to good use by the various crews assembling tomorrow night at the Napatree anchorage in Rhode Island.

Also, your attention is commanded to be on the lookout for a certain CD-32 with tanbark sails. It is understood from our agents that this vessel(it may be named "Realization")could be conveying an agent of the CDSOA flag, ie. a certain Captain Monaghan! If at all possible, this Captain is to be captured and escorted to Napatree and ultimatley to Block Island for Court Martial, for behavior above and beyond the call of duty, before the fleet there-in assembled.

Your compliance to these orders is expected and commanded...your most humble servant...

David Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
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