NE Fleet Rendezvous Awards

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Bob Luby

NE Fleet Rendezvous Awards

Post by Bob Luby »

Cape Dorians in the NE Fleet will be competing for the following Awards at Rendezvous 2001.

Race Winner ( Spinnaker );

Race Winner ( Non-Spinnaker );

Race Finisher ( We all know what THAT really means! );

Cruising Lifestyle Award - For the boat most indicative of a cruising lifestyle;

Rudolph Nureyev Award - For the most graceful entrance to, or departure from, a dinghy; and

Navigation Award. For the boat or person judged to have come the farthest or suffered the most inconvenience to get to the Rendezvous.

I will accept nominations for these awards at any time until they are awarded, However I will be relying on the Race committee for the race-related nominations.

Winners will be announced at the Smuggler's Cove dinner on Thursday, July 19, 2001. They will receive a plaque suitable for hanging in the finest of homes.

See You There!
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