Cape Dory 30 motor sailer

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Barbara Sutherland

Cape Dory 30 motor sailer

Post by Barbara Sutherland »

Cape Dory motorsailer wanted.
East coast preferred.
Respond by e-mail or tel/fax
416 269-5335 tel/fax
Pat Ballo

Re: Cape Dory 30 motor sailer

Post by Pat Ballo »

Barbara Sutherland wrote: Cape Dory motorsailer wanted.
East coast preferred.
Respond by e-mail or tel/fax
416 269-5335 tel/fax
also interested in CD Pilot House motor sailor, 30 ft range. anyone know how many if any available on the used market and price ranges? How do they sail? were many actually built? respond e-mail preferred. thanks for any info. Pat Ballo
Hobby Marine, Inc.

Re: Cape Dory 30 motor sailer

Post by Hobby Marine, Inc. »

What a wonderful boat! Cape Dory produced 46 of this model. You can find them on the used market but you have to look HARD. Prices used go from $55K to 90K depending on the year and equipment.

The boat sails and motors very well. Sailing prformance falls off if the boat has an in the mast furling system. The main has no battens and the roach of the sail is cut.

Hobby Marine now has the molds and we are looking for our first sale. We have had about 60 inquires and will soon have all of the consrtuction information and prices posted on our web site. If you have any additional questions I will be glad to see if I can answer them.

Glen F. Snader
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