I posted a message below regarding a sagging spreader on my Ty. Upon close inspection I can clearly see that there's a S.S. fitting attached to the mast where the spreader hooks into. It's this S.S. fitting that is bent, on one side more than the other. How do I go about first finding a replacement, then removing the old one & reattaching the new? Anyone with experience, any help would be much appreciated!
Spreader fitting on mast bent!! -- how to replace?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Spartan Marine (part of Robinhood Marine)
I have found these folks to be the most helpful in getting parts for my 28 Cape Dory than anyone else-and oddball parts at that!!
Give these folks a call, as they seem to have all sorts of goodies for the Cape Dory. Phone number is 207 371 2542
Ken Cave
Cape Dory 28
"Dragon Tale"
Give these folks a call, as they seem to have all sorts of goodies for the Cape Dory. Phone number is 207 371 2542
Ken Cave
Cape Dory 28
"Dragon Tale"
Re: Spreader fitting on mast bent!! -- how to replace?
About 6 months ago, I sailed to close to some moored boats and failed to see the boom of one of them extended past the stern of the boat. It caught my shroud and sheered the spreader, bending the mount. I removed the mounts and bent it back using a large vise and vise grips. I replaced the spreader at one of our local hardwares that carries all manner and shapes of alumninum tubing in various thicknesses. The tubing I found was thicker walled than the original and I replaced both spreaders, so that what I have now is better than the original.Chris wrote: I posted a message below regarding a sagging spreader on my Ty. Upon close inspection I can clearly see that there's a S.S. fitting attached to the mast where the spreader hooks into. It's this S.S. fitting that is bent, on one side more than the other. How do I go about first finding a replacement, then removing the old one & reattaching the new? Anyone with experience, any help would be much appreciated!
Re: Spreader fitting on mast bent!! -- how to replace?
Chris,Chris wrote: I posted a message below regarding a sagging spreader on my Ty. Upon close inspection I can clearly see that there's a S.S. fitting attached to the mast where the spreader hooks into. It's this S.S. fitting that is bent, on one side more than the other. How do I go about first finding a replacement, then removing the old one & reattaching the new? Anyone with experience, any help would be much appreciated!
I recently purchased a new mast step pin from Rig Rite. They manufacture all CD spars and spar parts. Check out their web site at rigrite.com
Re: Spreader fitting on mast bent!! -- how to replace?
After talking to Rig Rite, I was told that there are variations to the spreader base assembly for the Typhoon. This confirms what I believed after looking up at the bent fitting (some sort of mast tang) that connects the spreader to the mast on my current Ty (1980). It definitely looks different than the 1984 Typhoon I used to own. That had an aluminum casting that the spreader fit into.
I'm dreading having to unstep & re-step the mast!
I'm dreading having to unstep & re-step the mast!