Question about Typhoon spreaders

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Question about Typhoon spreaders

Post by Chris »

On my recently purchased Typhoon, I've noticed that when looking at the boat from the back or front, the spreaders kind of sag down. One seems to sag down more than the other. This doesn't seem right to me since all of the other sailboats in my marina have spreaders that are 90 degrees from the mast or are angled upwards a bit. Are they bent or was the rigging just setup wrong? Should I have this fixed ASAP or could it wait until the end of the season when the mast comes down?

David Brownlee

Re: Question about Typhoon spreaders

Post by David Brownlee »

In general, spreaders should rise toward the shrouds, bisecting the angle formed by the shroud above and below the spreader. This can probably be accomplished from deck if you slack off the shrouds a bit and push up on the ends of the spreaders with a pole. On a small, ruggedly rigged boat like the Typhoon, this is probably not extremely critical, but I'd want to get them at least up to horizontal if I were you.

David Brownlee
CD31 #1 Windrush
Havre de Grace, MD

Re: Question about Typhoon spreaders

Post by sloopjohnl »

there is a solid nub of metal attached to the mast over which the end of the hollow spreader fits and is then secured with a pin. check this area and see if there is a lot of play because of an expanded spreader end or if the mast fitting is bent or loose and therefore no longer perpendicular to the mast.

Chris wrote: On my recently purchased Typhoon, I've noticed that when looking at the boat from the back or front, the spreaders kind of sag down. One seems to sag down more than the other. This doesn't seem right to me since all of the other sailboats in my marina have spreaders that are 90 degrees from the mast or are angled upwards a bit. Are they bent or was the rigging just setup wrong? Should I have this fixed ASAP or could it wait until the end of the season when the mast comes down?

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