Genoa sail catching on spreader boot

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Genoa sail catching on spreader boot

Post by Chris »

My wife & I took out "Felicity," last night for the first time since we purchased her. She's a 1980 Typhoon with a 150% RF genoa. On our first tack the genoa caught on the end of the spreader boot & hung up. I immediately realized that this has not been an isolated incident with this boat as the sail has become unstiched & tattered in this area. Any suggestions for solving the hang up? I plan on having this area reinforced with thicker cloth after this weekend.

BTW: We owned a 1984 Ty that we sold back in 1998 -- my wife & I are thrilled that we're back on such a simple & enjoyable boat.


Re: Genoa sail catching on spreader boot


Chris, Just this year I installed thoes WHEELS on my outer stays that go over the spreaders. I did this only because I had my mast down. I never put them on because I thought you had to thread the stay through the middle of the wheel. Then I find out that each wheel is a half of wheel and are screwed together and can be put on anytime. Try them. They don't cost much.

Dennis Truett
Chris wrote: My wife & I took out "Felicity," last night for the first time since we purchased her. She's a 1980 Typhoon with a 150% RF genoa. On our first tack the genoa caught on the end of the spreader boot & hung up. I immediately realized that this has not been an isolated incident with this boat as the sail has become unstiched & tattered in this area. Any suggestions for solving the hang up? I plan on having this area reinforced with thicker cloth after this weekend.

BTW: We owned a 1984 Ty that we sold back in 1998 -- my wife & I are thrilled that we're back on such a simple & enjoyable boat.

Bob Bundy

Re: Genoa sail catching on spreader boot

Post by Bob Bundy »

Glad to have you back in the Typhoon fleet again. I have the same problem sometimes with my genoa. Mine is not roller furling but comes on past the lower shroud so it gets hung up, too. It sometimes catches on the shroud as I come about and I have to send someone forward to "help" it around the shroud. If there is enough air, after I bring the bow through the wind, I overshoot the rounding to a point where the sail is brought forward a bit. This shakes it loose from the shroud and then as I head up, it is free. My sail has a little dark stain from being brought in too close and rubbing against the spreader but is not tattered. It is good that you are getting that fixed. Our CD 27 ended up blowing out a working jib from a simple tattered leech.

Bob B.
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