On my cd27 ysm8 many times when I press the start bottom it just goes
click, until I release the button this happens three or for times beofre the "solenoid"? engages anyone know why this is happening? the engine always starts but takes a few trys before the click goes away.
starter pblm
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: starter pblm
Sounds like the beginning of click - click - click to me. I suggest you clean up all the contacts between the battery and starter, make sure the battery is charged, and try it again. Solenoids will sometimes just chatter if the voltage is too low; it sounds like you are close.
marv wrote: On my cd27 ysm8 many times when I press the start bottom it just goes
click, until I release the button this happens three or for times beofre the "solenoid"? engages anyone know why this is happening? the engine always starts but takes a few trys before the click goes away.
Re: starter problem YSM8
After adjusting the starter several times on our CD27's YSM8, a mechanic diagnosed what sounds like the same click-click-click problem as low voltage (despite fully charged batteries) and installed what he called a "start assist relay" using a Cole Herseee DPST 12V solenoid (24401-01) in 1998. I don't know more than this, but a better electrician may be able to explain it. The problem disappeared and never recurred.
Re: starter pblm
on a different engine i had a similar problem - ultimately the engine wouldn't start at all - it turned out to be the wire to the starter, fraying which reduced the voltage, and then breaking - i think ken's recommendation is the way to go
on a different engine i had a similar problem - ultimately the engine wouldn't start at all - it turned out to be the wire to the starter, fraying which reduced the voltage, and then breaking - i think ken's recommendation is the way to go
Re: starter pblm
Marv,marv wrote: On my cd27 ysm8 many times when I press the start bottom it just goes
click, until I release the button this happens three or for times beofre the "solenoid"? engages anyone know why this is happening? the engine always starts but takes a few trys before the click goes away.
I just had a new (rebuilt) starter motor put in last week. I didn't have the click-click-click business....mine would just crank a very long time before it fired up. The problem was getting worse each week. Anyway, the new starter fixed that. I don't know if your problem is related to what I had, but I figured I'd pass this information along for what its worth.
Re: starter pblm
Sounds to me like a failing solenoid. You could also have a bad commutator in the starter motor. I'd first do the usual, double check all the wiring and connections. Confirm everything is clean and tight and no frayed or corroded wiring. If that is all ok then I would yank the starter and take it to a qualified rebuild shop and have it bench (load) tested. That will reveal any internal problems if they exist. After that is completed you will know where you stand.marv wrote: On my cd27 ysm8 many times when I press the start bottom it just goes
click, until I release the button this happens three or for times beofre the "solenoid"? engages anyone know why this is happening? the engine always starts but takes a few trys before the click goes away.